Roasted Cafe & Lounge, Macon

Griffin Ver Steeg
Indie Georgia Coffee


Roasted Cafe & Lounge in Macon has been a popular spot in the downtown area, especially among younger Maconites. I’ve been there several times, but only for its night scene, which is full of dubstep, dreadlocks, and substances that get you roasted.

However, Roasted has a completely different atmosphere during the day. Calming chill-wave music plays over the speakers and trendy art hangs on the walls. A stage sits in the back underneath a large, iconic flag that reads, “Keep Calm and Get Roasted.”

Roasted is the only coffee shop I’ve ever been to that serves Turkish coffee, so I was ecstatic to order one. Because Turkish coffee is often served in a small shot glass, the serving size is small. So, I also ordered a regular cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll too.

Roasted serves coffee roasted out of Cafe Campesino, an independent coffee shop in Americus, GA that prides itself on organic shade-grown coffee. The glass of Turkish coffee I had at Roasted was good but not great. I’ve had it once before and I remembered it being more flavorful and full-bodied. My cup of coffee also lacked the complex flavor aspect that many indie coffee shops pride themselves on, but it still made for a good, simple cup of coffee.

A simple cup of coffee should not be looked down on, but rather enjoyed for its lack of pretension. Sometimes, coffee shops that serve high-quality, complex coffee tend to keep their noses in the air. I appreciate a simple coffee every once in a while because it serves as a reminder that coffee is just a drink made with water-soaked beans.

My experience at Roasted was enjoyable. The music isn’t overbearing, the view of Second Street is pleasant, and I got plenty of work done. It’s a trendy coffee shop, but it doesn’t come off as pretentious. I was comfortable sipping my coffee underneath a painting of cherry blossom trees while listening to Washed Out play over the speakers. It served as a great start to my busy day.



Griffin Ver Steeg
Indie Georgia Coffee

One day I’ll make movies, but until then I’ll be drinking coffee, making music, and indulging my faux wood finish fetish.