Willem de Kooning ‘Untitled XXI,’ 1976 Source: Sothebys

From dusk to dawn

Georgina Lee
Georgina Lee
1 min readMay 31, 2017


It begins with a familiar face.
An enveloping warmth covering my senses
a source of no comfort better known.
I am propelled into existence,
ignition towards all I will come to know.

Intertwined with the hands of time
blades of silky grass and cool powdered sand
my lover’s hair and frayed edges of my passport
dirty foreign streets and the unforgiving stare of an office light
lingering, punctuating strands of time.

Two hands become four, then eight, sixteen.
Obscene adventures, and worlds I will never see.
In the comfort of a crowd, a countdown begins.
Sixteen, eight,
then four, two.

Loneliness ascends from hibernation.
Stretching out its feelers in soft serene waves
into the corners of my senses it brings warmth
imbuing reminders of a journey alone:
‘Look within, seek within’.

It ends with a familiar face.
Markings from my feet vividly, deeply
drawn on the ground behind me.
One solitary journey towards the darkness,
into the enveloping glow of my final sunset.



Georgina Lee
Georgina Lee

Creator, daydreamer, collaborator | UX, tech, art, design, finance, travel | Principal at @Mercer | Views my own