China’s secret naval base in Cambodia

Jan Tschada
Geospatial Intelligence
3 min readMar 28, 2023

In recent years, tensions have been on the rise in the South China Sea, with China aggressively pursuing its territorial claims in the region. One recent development that has caught the attention of analysts is the discovery of a secret naval base in Ream, Cambodia. The base, which was detected through image intelligence, has raised concerns about China’s expanding military presence in the region and its strategic intentions.

Sentinel-2 image captured on 24th March 2023

The base is located in the Gulf of Thailand, just a few miles from Cambodia’s largest port, and reportedly includes two large piers capable of accommodating large warships, along with a number of other facilities such as storage buildings, a helipad, and a radar tower. Intelligence experts believe China has built the base in secret, with the Cambodian government denying any knowledge of its existence.

Sentinel-2 image captured on 14th March 2023

The discovery of the base has raised a number of questions about China’s strategic intentions in the region. Some analysts have suggested that the base is part of China’s broader “String of Pearls” strategy, which seeks to establish a network of naval bases and ports throughout the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea to secure its shipping lanes and project power in the region.

Sentinel-2 image captured on 27th February 2023

Others have suggested that the base is intended to provide China with a foothold in Cambodia, which has traditionally been a close ally of the United States. The base could potentially be used to conduct intelligence operations, support China’s fishing fleet, or even as a staging ground for military operations.

Sentinel-2 image captured on 28th January 2023

The discovery of the base has also raised concerns about Cambodia’s relationship with China. Cambodia has been increasingly reliant on Chinese investment and aid in recent years, with China becoming its largest trading partner and investor. Some observers worry that the secret naval base is a sign that Cambodia is becoming too closely aligned with China, potentially at the expense of its relationship with the United States.

Sentinel-2 image captured on 09th December 2022

The United States has expressed its concerns about the base, with a State Department spokesperson stating that the United States has urged Cambodian leaders to maintain an independent and balanced foreign policy and to avoid activities that could undermine its sovereignty, independence, or stability. The spokesperson also called for greater transparency in Cambodia’s military relationship with China.

Sentinel-2 image captured on 14th January 2017

The discovery of a secret naval base in Ream, Cambodia, highlights the growing strategic competition between China and the United States in the South China Sea and the broader Indo-Pacific region. The base raises concern about China’s intentions and its relationship with Cambodia, as well as the potential for increased tensions in the region. As the United States and China continue to jockey for influence in the region, the discovery of the base is a reminder of the complex and growing dynamics at play in one of the world’s most strategically important regions.

