Imagery intelligence from a developer's point of view

Jan Tschada
Geospatial Intelligence
4 min readApr 1, 2023

Satellite imagery analysis and visualization have become an important tool in a wide range of fields, including environmental science, urban planning, agriculture, and defense. As a developer, understanding the comprehensive story of satellite imagery analysis and visualization can help you create powerful tools and applications that harness the power of satellite imagery.

The first step in understanding satellite imagery analysis and visualization is to understand the different types of data that can be gathered from satellites. This includes optical imagery, which captures visible light and can be used to create high-resolution images of the Earth’s surface, as well as radar imagery, which can penetrate clouds and capture data about the Earth’s surface even in the absence of visible light.

Once you have a basic understanding of the different types of satellite data, the next step is to learn about the tools and techniques used to analyze and visualize this data. This includes image processing algorithms that can be used to enhance and analyze satellite imagery, as well as machine learning algorithms that can be used to identify patterns and trends in the data.

One popular platform for satellite imagery analysis and visualization is ArcGIS Living Atlas. This platform provides developers with access to a vast array of satellite imagery and a range of analysis tools that can be used to extract meaningful insights from this data. ArcGIS also includes a range of visualization tools, including the ability to create interactive maps and 3D visualizations.

Another important tool for satellite imagery analysis and visualization is the Python programming language. Python has a wide range of libraries and frameworks that can be used to work with satellite imagery data, including the popular geospatial libraries ArcGIS API for Python, GeoPandas and Rasterio.

Sentinel-2 view of Kiew, Ukraine

River turbidity analysis using Sentinel-2

River turbidity refers to the level of cloudiness or opacity in the water caused by suspended particles, such as sediment, algae, or other organic matter. Measuring river turbidity is important for understanding the health of aquatic ecosystems and for managing water resources, particularly for drinking water treatment plants.

One way to estimate river turbidity is through the use of satellite imagery. Sentinel-2 is a satellite mission that provides high-resolution multispectral imagery, which can be used to estimate river turbidity. The multispectral imagery captures reflected light in different wavelengths, allowing for the detection of suspended particles in the water.

To estimate river turbidity using Sentinel-2 data, several indices can be used, including the Normalized Difference Turbidity Index (NDTI) and the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI). These indices compare the reflectance values of different bands of the Sentinel-2 imagery to estimate the presence and concentration of suspended particles in the water.

Once the indices have been calculated, the turbidity can be estimated using regression models that relate the index values to in-situ measurements of turbidity. These models can be trained using historical turbidity data and Sentinel-2 imagery, allowing for the estimation of turbidity in real-time.

There are several advantages to using Sentinel-2 data for river turbidity estimation. First, the high spatial resolution of the imagery allows for the detection of turbidity at a fine scale, which can be particularly useful for monitoring the health of small or remote rivers. Second, Sentinel-2 imagery can be acquired on a regular basis, allowing for the continuous monitoring of changes in turbidity over time. Using satellite imagery for turbidity estimation is more cost-effective and efficient than traditional in-situ monitoring methods.

Take a closer look at a working example using this ArcGIS Notebook on Sentinel-2 analysis.

As a developer, it’s important to understand the ethical considerations involved in working with satellite imagery data. This includes issues related to privacy, as well as the potential for bias and misinterpretation of the data. It’s important to be aware of these issues and to take steps to ensure that we design applications and tools in a responsible and ethical manner.


The comprehensive developer story around satellite imagery analysis and visualization involves understanding the different types of satellite data, learning about the tools and techniques used to analyze and visualize this data, and being aware of the ethical considerations involved in working with this data. By mastering these skills, developers can create powerful applications and tools that leverage the power of satellite imagery to address real-world problems and drive innovation in a wide range of fields.

