Publishing QGIS Plugins in a Custom Repository

Learn how to prepare you plugins for hosting in a custom repository and share them with other QGIS users

Yaroslav Vasyunin
Geospatial Team
6 min readOct 8, 2020


This is my translation of a post published on (authors: Sergei Seminozhenko and Vasily Lobanov).

Most of the available QGIS plugins are hosted in the official repository. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to create a custom repo, for example, to distribute a plugin inside your organization. This post explains the essential requirements for plugins, shows you a few simple examples, and, finally, demonstrates how to make your own plugin repository.

The information given here is relevant to QGIS 3.14 ‘Pi’, but it should also work for other versions. Note that publishing requirements for plugins in the official QGIS repository are more strict than in a custom one. Therefore, if you are going to publish a plugin in the official repo, I recommend you to check the following links:

Plugin Manager

QGIS has a tool called Plugin Manager (PM). It allows you to search for plugins, install, update and delete them, connect third-party repositories, and so on. For each plugin, PM provides an information window with fields showing plugin’s metadata. There are three scenarios of how PM retrieves plugin metadata:

  1. A plugin is in a repository, but not installed on your computer. All the metadata is extracted from the plugins.xml file.
  2. A plugin is installed on your computer, and there is a connection with a repository. Some of the metadata is still extracted from the plugin description in plugins.xml and some from the metadata.txt file.
  3. A plugin is installed on your computer, and there is no connection to any repository. All metadata about the plugin is extracted from the metadata.txt file.

The following table describes, for every scenario, where plugin metadata comes from (see also comments below it):

Where does QGIS Plugin Manager take metadata about plugins?
  • The information from metadata.txt and plugins.xml doesn’t affect the Name, Icon, and placement of a plugin in QGIS menu. You provide this metadata in the initGui() method of your plugin’s class.
  • If Installed version is smaller than Available version, QGIS will propose you to update the plugin. If Installed version is larger than Available version, QGIS shows a warning: “Installed version of this plugin is higher than any version found in repository.” In both cases, you can update the plugin to the version available in the repo.
  • Before you upload a plugin to the repository, make sure that the plugin versions in metadata.txt and plugins.xml match. Otherwise, PM will continuously suggest to update it.
  • Available version parameter is taken from plugins.xml: version attribute of the pyqgis_plugin tag(not from the version tag).
  • If metadata.txt and plugins.xml don’t specify Experimental and Deprecated parameters, a plugin will be considered non-experimental and non-outdated by default.
  • The version of your QGIS installation must be between QgisMinimumVersion and QgisMaximumVersion provided in metadata.txt and plugins.xml.
  • If QgisMinimumVersion isn’t specified, PM sets it by default to 0. If QgisMaximumVersion is absent, then PM sets it to +0.99.

Structuring Plugin Files

Each plugin in a repository should be packed into a single zip archive containing a root folder with plugin files, including metadata.txt. By a root folder name, PM is able to match a locally installed plugin with the plugin in a repository. I explain this behavior in the end of this post.

There are two required files in the root directory of a QGIS plugin:

  • is the starting point of the plugin. The code should contain the classFactory() method.
  • metadata.txt contains general plugin’s metadata.

You can explore a “skeleton” of the simplest QGIS plugin in this GitHub repo, or learn about structuring QGIS plugins from the PyQGIS Developer Cookbook.


As already noted, each plugin’s folder must contain metadata.txt that includes general information about the plugin. This metadata is used to be displayed in the QGIS PM, for searching in a repository, and so on.

The structure of the metadata file must be as follows:

Parameter1_Name: Parameter1_Value
Parameter2_Name: Parameter2_Value
ParameterN_Name: ParameterN_Value


Parameter1_Name = Parameter1_Value
Parameter2_Name = Parameter2_Value
ParameterN_Name = ParameterN_Value

Note that the [general] keyword at the beginning is required.

Use ; or = as a separator between the parameter name and its value. You can even mix two types of delimiters in one metadata file.

Spaces before and after the separator don’t affect data reading from metadata.txt — they can be in any quantity or absent at all.

The following are mandatory parameters, without which a plugin’s operation may be broken:

  • name — plugin’s name
  • version — plugin’s version
  • qgisMinimumVersion — minimum QGIS version suitable for the plugin

You can find information about other parameters in the PyQGIS Developer Cookbook.


Each repository must contain a plugins.xml file that provides general information for PM about all the plugins available in the repository. In fact, the repository description file can have any name.

The structure of plugins.xml should be as follows:

Here are the mandatory parameters without which your repository may be broken:

  • name of a plugin indicated as an attribute of the pyqgis_plugin tag
  • version of a plugin shown as an attribute of the pyqgis_plugin tag
  • qgis_minimum_version is the minimum version of QGIS suitable for the plugin
  • download_url — location of zip archive with your plugin in the web

It’s a good idea to look at the example of the plugins.xml file from the official QGIS repository: The numbers at the end of the URL are replaced with the version of the QGIS you use. Save this page from your browser to your computer, and you get the desired XML file.

Binding a Local Plugin to a Plugin from Repository

How does PM understands that a plugin installed on your computer and a plugin in a connected repository are the same, for example, when checking whether a new version of the plugin is available in a repo?

A local plugin and a plugin in the repo are considered the same if the name of the local plugin root folder matches:

  • characters in the value of the file_name tag until to the first dot: <file_name></file_name>
  • characters from the download_url tag until the first dot of the last path element, if the file_name tag is missing: <download_url>YourRepositoryURL/</download_url>

If the name of the root folder and the extracted part from file_name or download_url do not match, then the plugins are considered different. Examples of Well-designed Plugins

I recommend you to add the file_name tag to the plugins.xml file and specify not the name of your zip archive, but the name of your plugin’s root folder, to which you can optionally add a version or other information separated by dots. In this case, you can name your plugin’s zip archive whatever you like, e.g., separating the plugin name and its version with a hyphen, as accepted in the official repository, where the file_name tag is used to link local and remote plugins.

A Simple Example

File Structure


name: PluginName
version: 2.1.0
qgisMinimumVersion: 3.0


In this variant, we link a plugin installed locally and a remote plugin in the repo through the name of the root folder and the download_url tag. A part of the zip archive’s name until the first dot and the name of the plugin root folder must match exactly.

In the following variant, a local plugin and a remote plugin are linked by the root folder name and the file_name tag. In this case, the part of the zip archive name until the first dot and the root folder name may differ.

Creating a Repository

A QGIS plugin repository should be available as a static web site and consist of a plugins.xml file that provides general information to QGIS PM about all plugins available in the repo and corresponding zip archives containing those plugins.

An essential requirement for QGIS to recognize a repository is direct file access. This can be done using web services like GitHub or Bitbucket. Cloud storages like Google Drive or Dropbox won’t work for these purposes because they don’t provide such direct links to resources.

For instructions on hosting a static website, see GitHub Pages and Publishing a Website on Bitbucket Cloud.

Typically, you just need to rename your repository to match the pattern: (for GitHub) (for Bitbucket).

After the necessary settings, the link to your QGIS repository will look like (for GitHub) or (for Bitbucket).

This link must be specified in the URL field in the QGIS PM when adding a new repository. If the connection to the repository is successful, the status of the repository will take the value “connected”, and the plugins described in the plugins.xml file will appear in the list of available (Not installed) plugins in QGIS PM.

Adding a custom repository in QGIS Plugin Manager.

Now you are ready to distribute your plugins!



Yaroslav Vasyunin
Geospatial Team

Data Scientist experienced in Earth Observation and Geoinformation Systems 🌍🛰 Advocate of open science, data, and tools