Geospatial Cloud — The future of GIS Industry

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3 min readMar 25, 2019
Geospatial Cloud — The future of GIS Industry

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have come a long way from its inception and now has got integrated with mainstream applications and plays a very crucial role in business decision process for every industry. GIS technology enables location data present in various systems into actionable business insights which is not possible through other traditional information systems.

For customers to tap in the potential of GIS Systems there are multiple solutions in the form of desktop or web applications available today. These are catered via various proprietary implementations or open source implementations available in the market.

The costs associated with proprietary implementations is high due to the licensing costs associated with proprietary software and on top of this the implementation cost is added to the project which makes such project execution very expensive. The Licensing costs barrier was broken by Open Source GIS alternatives but the implementation cost was still a big component in such projects. The time to market is also more with these custom implementations

These hurdles are seen as the barrier for many industries to leverage the true potential of Geospatial technology.

Emergence of Cloud Architecture Shaping the Future of Geospatial Industry

The birth of cloud computing has bought in a paradigm shift on how information technology systems were developed and deployed by various industries . Companies were able to move their complete IT infrastructure to cloud and were able to scale up their infrastructure resources on demand based on their business needs. Cloud computing is completely transforming the way businesses were operating and having them focus on their core business operations and manage their IT infrastructure needs through various cloud services available in the industry.

The Cloud platform is going to be the next big wave in Geospatial industry. Geospatial industry though late in adopting cloud platform has realised the potential it can offer and many businesses have started moving their Geospatial infrastructure to cloud.

Geospatial Cloud enables many organizations to deploy their GIS infrastructure on cloud and leverage various GIS Capabilities over the web.Cloud-based GIS solutions provides platform to share location information with ease over the internet and perform various analysis on the data and visualize the data on maps. The cloud-based GIS not only saves time and cost but also allows easy sharing and publishing of data. The user-friendliness of cloud-based GIS as compared to traditional GIS makes it a viable choice for various industries including government segment. As a result, the Geospatial Cloud is gaining prominence in various industries.

Geospatial Cloud is now being offered as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) where any one can go over the internet and without any in-house GIS infrastructure can subscribe to the GIS Software as a service to visualize the location data in multiple ways. Users can perform wide variety of GIS analytic queries . Users can subscribe for the plan required and pay for the service on need basis. Time to market to deploy such applications is very fast.

Geospatial cloud platform offers solutions to process imagery on cloud, deploy Web GIS applications on the fly to collaborate and share spatial data to perform variety of analysis and visualization using SaaS Platforms, perform big data analytics on spatial datasets

We at GeoWebMap are excited about the future and the potential the Geospatial cloud has to transform GIS industry and have actively adopted cloud solutions to help our customers migrate to Geospatial cloud platforms. We have developed GeoWebMap which is a SaaS based Web GIS Platform . The platform provides the customers ability to deploy full featured configurable web mapping business applications with ease and provide them with quickest path to visualize their location data and perform various analysis to derive meaningful and actionable business intelligence out of their location data. Data from various sources can be integrated/uploaded to perform complex operations.

Let us join the Geospatial Cloud revolution and start building great applications to solve various industry problems.

