Landshut — picturesque town in Bavaria where tradition meets modernity

German Embassy London
German City Profiles
3 min readMar 21, 2018
Spectators in Landshut Old Town viewing performers of the Landshut Wedding

Set north-east of Munich in the region of Lower Bavaria, Landshut is a picturesque town where tradition meets modernity. With 67,000 inhabitants, the little town feeling is contrasted by a host of events and activities. The historic city centre has a lot to offer but there is even more to explore out and about.

Things to see and do

Landshut Wedding

Landshut Wedding

The town is most famous as the location of one of the biggest medieval and historical festivals in Europe, the so-called “Landshuter Hochzeit” (Landshut Wedding). Over 2,000 locals participate in the pageant, wearing original 15th century garments when the event is hosted every four years. The entire town brims with a mixture of musicians, actors and jugglers, and every weekend brings knights tournaments and a procession through the festively decorated town.

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Trausnitz Castle

Courtyard of Castle Trausnitz

Of course, the castle of Landshut dating back to the 13th century is a must. Overlooking the old town centre, Burg Trausnitz is a short but steep walk up the hill from the old town centre. Guided tours provide a deeper insight into Landshut’s history and the life of the Wittelsbach noble family, who resided here in centuries past.

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Church of Saint Martin

St Martin’s Church

At a height of 130.6 meters, the highest brick steeple in the world can be found in Landshut. It is the bell tower of the medieval St Martin’s Church, which is located in the heart of the city. The interior of the Gothic landmark is also worth visiting, whether on one of the guided tours or on your own!

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Hofgarten with lookout point

Burg Trausnitz

The Hofgarten (residence courtyard) at Burg Trausnitz was once the royal garden of the King of Bavaria, but also had a tradition of hosting furry residents from the 15th century onwards. Today’s four-legged residents include deer and pigmy goats as well as pheasants, doves, peacocks and owls. They are a particular hit among children exploring the gardens, but the lookout point over Landshut and its hinterland is worth a visit for adults, too.

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British-German Town Twinnings

Town twinnings between British and German cities play an important role in promoting cultural exchange. Landshut has been twinned with Moray in Elginshire, Scotland since 1956.

