Veronica Worthen
2 min readApr 16, 2022

My chosen newspaper article: “Hold the Line for Democracy and Sane Legislation”

The article I chose was from the Hermanner Volksblatt, and published on October 25, 1918.

This article looks like a huge advertisement page. It is addressed to all Missouri voters. It urges Missourians to vote “NO” to Amendment №6, which would either adopt or reject prohibition. To persuade its readers, it presents 17 different reasons for why Missouri should vote “NO.” It argues that prohibition is undemocratic, unamerican, and unpatriotic. Prohibition “strikes down on the principles of individual liberty and self-determination.” The article points out how many European countries (all except Russia) have decided against prohibition. “LET THE BOYS DECIDE WHEN THEY COME HOME” is written in all caps. The writers are concerned that 1/7th of Missouri’s population is fighting across the sea, and will be unable to vote.

This article shows the perspective on small-town German immigrant farmers and winemakers.

Early advocates for prohibition had other arguments in favor for prohibition. In her blog post, “WORLD WAR I PLAYED KEY ROLE IN PASSAGE OF PROHIBITION”, Claire White writes, “They had implored politicians to think about the children harmed by the effects of alcohol abuse. They had articulated the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of temperance.”

The blog post: “A Century Ago: Prohibition in Missouri” touches on some of the devastating effects prohibition brought to Herman. They note that Missouri was the 2nd largest wine producing state. It talks about how many of the wineries in Missouri closed, and the vineyards were uprooted. Many of these Wineries were in Herman, Missouri. Although many went through hard times, wineries have returned to Hermann, and they can be visited today. Perhaps if prohibition had never happened, Missouri would still be known for its wine.

Thank you to the State Historical Society of Missouri and the Library of Congress Digital Newspaper Collections!

Veronica Worthen

I am a student at the University of Missouri — Columbia studying Chemistry!