Learn about small business resources at Info Hub’s radio call-in show

Nichole Currie
Germantown Info Hub
2 min readApr 1, 2020

Business owners face an uneasy present and an unpredictable future since the COVID-19 outbreak. Restaurants, gyms, clothing stores, and other businesses are brainstorming new ways to stay afloat, while businesses who depend on in-person interactions, are asking themselves tough questions.

This week the Germantown Info Hub will sponsor a discussion of those tough questions and what resources are available to help.

On Thursday, April 2nd from 5 to 6 pm we will host our second call-in show on G-town Radio, 92.9 FM. Featured guests include Amani Bey, Business Development Manager at Germantown United CDC (GUCDC). The program will be hosted by Info Hub coordinator Diana Lu, who previously worked with small businesses at Philadelphia’s Commerce Department.

GUCDC promotes and facilitates the revitalization of Germantown’s business corridors. Bey joined the group in July 2019 with a passion for community development and utilizes their position to connect businesses to capital and technical assistance.

Additionaly guest include Senior Business Service Manager at Philadelphia Commerce Department Rojer Kern and Senior Business Consultant at Temple Small Business Development Center Karl M. Kraus.

The live program will be available online at bit.ly/ListenG-town or by tuning to 92.9. If you have questions or comments about how small businesses in Germantown can weather the current economic climate, call 215–609–4301 between 5pm and 6m to join the discussion or email questions to us at Gtown.infohub@gmail.com.

This live program is part of #GermantownInfoHubRadio series. If you or anyone you know would like to submit a COVID-19 topic to discuss, email us at Gtown.infohub@gmail.com.



Nichole Currie
Germantown Info Hub

Community Reporter for Germantown Info Hub, a public resource to share information and stories of and for residents of the Germantown neighborhood.