What Kind of Learner am I?

Yewande Akinjewe
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2019


Understanding yourself and the kind of learner you are making the process of assimilation easier. Proper understanding requires an in-depth visualization of the abstract of basic concepts. A lot of people struggle in that regard. Hence, questions like; how well do I understand this subject topic? Do I need to jot or pen down what I read or watch videos for proper visualization and understanding before I grasp it? On the other hand, for teachers, a question of how best to communicate subject matters to the listeners, is most familiar.

A blog from Literacy planet describes the kind of listeners available. You belong to at least one of these, and it is important you know which you align with, to be able to manage and optimize your learning process. They are;

Auditory and musical learners

Visual learners

Verbal learners

Physical learners

Social learners.

Isn’t he cute

It may be difficult to know the kind of learner you are until you immerse yourself in one of the above-listed kind of learning techniques. Don’t stop until you find the right technique that suits you best. Meanwhile, several techniques can be combined together until you find the most effective and

convenient way to learn.

1. The Auditory and musical learners are quite convenient with listening to music while reading. This happens to me a lot when I am trying to solve mathematical equations. I would rather listen to music, than fall prey to boredom and I realized this technique saved me from dozing off while trying out these equations. Also, the teacher may find it hard to communicate her intentions with integrating her subject topics in music lyrics, it may be quite difficult for higher-level students, but it is easier for kindergartens to understand with this technique. An example is the popular ‘sound of music’.

2. For the visual learners, most of us fall into this category. How best we can imagine depends on what it takes to visualize. Old but gold is the axiom, “If I don’t see it, I don’t know it”. Most times, we are either physically present to see how it works or rather watch videos to understand better.

3. Verbal Learners: Verbal learning is the easiest kind of learning, all they need is to be physically present when the teacher teaches. This technique is utilized by everyone. You immediately grasp what is being taught. Although, it does not work for some subject matters that are much of abstract topics, which requires proper hands-on experience and visualization.

4. Social learners learn effectively through collaborations, group work, interaction, and engagement. They understand better when placed in a group to communicate with other co-members and for those who do not have a physical presence with other learners, or rather are learning online, collaborative features are integrated on a certain learning app such as udemy, coursera, in which you can interact with learners in other areas.

5. The physical learners understand effectively when they have hands-on experience on the subject topic they are trying to get information on. Most Science topics and context fall into this category.

Understanding the kind of learner you are is quite important to scale through your learning journey and understanding these techniques would also be useful and beneficial.

Keep Learning!



Yewande Akinjewe

Immersive technology consultant: Using XR to drive business growth.