Release: Get America Covered Returns for Fourth Year, Releases New Survey Showing Consumer Demand Remains Very Strong Ahead of Open Enrollment

Get America Covered
Get America Covered
5 min readOct 29, 2020

Amid the Pandemic, 2 Out of 3 Healthcare.Gov Consumers Can Find a Plan This Year With a Monthly Premium of $10 or Less


(Washington, D.C.) — Get America Covered today launched its fourth nationwide Open Enrollment push by releasing a new, unique, national survey that sheds light on the views of uninsured individuals — many of whom have lost their health insurance because of the pandemic — and current Affordable Care Act (ACA) customers ahead of the 2021 Open Enrollment period, which begins this Sunday, November 1.

The survey found that demand for health coverage remains very strong, with 54% of respondents likely to purchase health insurance in 2021 (34% definitely, 20% probably). The overwhelming majority of respondents — 84% — said that it is very or somewhat important to them to have health insurance.

“Despite the uncertainty of the pandemic and concerns about the future of the ACA, the marketplaces are strong and healthy, and premiums for high-quality, comprehensive coverage remain very affordable,” said Joshua Peck, co-founder of Get America Covered. “No one knows when they’ll have an emergency or develop a serious health problem. Last Open Enrollment, no one could have anticipated this pandemic. Everyone deserves to enjoy the peace of mind offered by health coverage — especially amidst this potentially devastating illness. In the weeks to come, we will be working to ensure people know about Open Enrollment and the many high-quality, affordable options, including zero-dollar plans, that are available to millions of consumers. ”

Survey Finds Demand and Satisfaction with Plans High, Supreme Court on Consumers’ Minds, and Gap Between Perception and Reality of Affordability Persists

  • Coverage is important to consumers and many intend to get covered.
    More than half of respondents (54%) plan to get covered, compared to only 15% who are certain or unlikely to purchase coverage.
  • For many consumers, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the importance of getting covered.
    While 84% of respondents believe health insurance is important, almost half (48%) of respondents reported that the COVID-19 pandemic has made them think having health insurance is more important now than before the pandemic.
  • Current ACA customers are satisfied with their plans.
    Insured consumers continue to register high levels of satisfaction with the health coverage they purchased through the ACA marketplaces, with 82% saying that they are satisfied with their current insurance plan.
  • Knowledge gaps regarding the perception of cost compared to actual premiums persist.
    Many consumers continue to underestimate the availability of health insurance plans that they would consider affordable. When stating their top concerns about signing up for health insurance through the ACA, a majority (65%) highlighted costs as a top concern.
    Most uninsured consumers (57%) expect ACA plans to be outside of the range of what they personally consider to be affordable ($50 per month or less); however, actual ACA premiums fall well within the range of what the overwhelming majority of consumers would consider to be affordable. This year, 75% of consumers can find a plan with a premium of $50 or less per month. Additionally, 81% reported they would be more likely to enroll after they were informed that tax credits could reduce monthly premiums to $0 for many people.
  • Most consumers who intend to get covered plan to shop around.
    People who lost health insurance in 2020 and then reacquired it are more likely to shop around for new health insurance during the 2021 open enrollment season compared to people who have had insurance all year. This indicates that those who just reacquired health insurance are planning to look around to see if they can find a better plan versus the one they got to re-establish insurance during 2020.
    While all ACA plans cover COVID-19 testing, the terms of coverage for treatment and other care does vary by plan. This may be prompting consumers to shop for the best option for themselves and their families.
  • The upcoming Supreme Court case on the ACA is on people’s minds as they shop for plans.
    A majority of respondents (52%) are closely following the upcoming Supreme Court case on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, which will be argued on November 10. Over half (59%) of the sample thinks that it would be more difficult to get health insurance if the Supreme Court strikes down the ACA, with 55% reporting that they believe it would be more expensive to get health insurance if that happens. This indicates that people are worried about what will happen with health insurance if the ACA is ruled unconstitutional.
    If the ACA were to be struck down, 44% of consumers would be less likely to purchase coverage for 2021, suggesting that the cloud hanging over the future of the ACA will influence consumers’ decisions about purchasing coverage during the current Open Enrollment period.

The national survey, conducted by Change Research from October 12–22, 2020, surveyed 311 adults who are currently insured through the ACA marketplaces as well as 415 uninsured individuals who are eligible to enroll for 2021.

You can find a detailed memo on the survey from Change Research here.

Affordable Plans Remain Widely Available, Consumer Choice Has Significantly Increased for 2021

Across the country, more insurers are participating in the marketplaces and many are also offering additional options for consumers. The marketplaces are healthy and stable, with premiums holding steady and even decreasing in 23 states.

“Coverage remains extremely affordable for the vast majority of consumers,” said Peck. “It’s much more affordable than many people think and tax credits can lower your monthly premium to as low as zero dollars per month, so we encourage everyone to visit, shop around, and find the best option for you and your family. While premiums are steady or even decreasing this year, the number of different plans available to consumers has significantly increased.”

Affordability remains a key concern for consumers. Once again this year, affordable options are widely available, including:

  • 2 out of 3 consumers can find a plan this year with a monthly premium of $10 or less. And 3 out of 4 can find a plan for less than $50 per month.
  • Most consumers in key states can find a plan this year with a monthly premium of $10 or less.
    Florida: 81%
    Texas: 75%
    Georgia: 71%
    North Carolina: 76%
  • The average consumer has between 4 and 5 insurance companies to choose from — up from between 3–4 different insurers last year.
    78% of consumers have 3 or more insurers to choose from.
  • The average consumer has over 60 plans to choose from this year — up from 38 last year.
  • Deductibles for the majority of consumers are going down this year.
    For 1 out of 3 customers, the median individual deductible is set to fall by over 34%.

About Get America Covered

A nationwide campaign, Get America Covered believes it is critical to make sure people get the facts they need to get covered and stay covered. The campaign will again amplify information to inform those looking to enroll in health coverage, as well as assist organizations and individuals who are helping people sign-up for coverage — especially in states that rely solely on for enrollment.

Visit Get America Covered, or follow us on Twitter and Facebook, to learn more about this campaign.

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Get America Covered
Get America Covered

Get America Covered helps people looking for health insurance get covered and stay covered.