Release: With Looming SCOTUS Decision, ACA Special Enrollment Hits 1.2 Million Signups

Get America Covered
Get America Covered
2 min readJun 14, 2021


June 14, 2021


Abby Shepard

DENVER — Today, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a new report announcing that 1.2 million people have now enrolled in health care coverage through since the beginning of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) special enrollment period on February 15. This number is more than double the rate of enrollments during the same period in the past two years, likely due to the American Rescue Plan’s expansion of the ACA which took effect on April 1, the urgency of health insurance through the pandemic, and the focus on outreach by the new administration.

The American Rescue Plan expanded advanced payments of premium tax credits, making health care more affordable than ever. For both new and existing enrollees that have selected a plan since April 1, 4 in 10 are paying $10 or less per month for coverage through the Marketplace. Further, the average monthly premiums for over 2.3 million current enrollees has dramatically diminished from $103 to $61 after the American Rescue Plan took effect, a reduction of over 40%.

Get American Covered is pleased to see the high enrollment continue and the cost of coverage lower. These trends are a step in the right direction to ensure all Americans have access to the health care they need, especially as we transition out of the pandemic.

“Health insurance through the Affordable Care Act is more affordable than ever! 1.2 million Americans have signed up since February 15th, and more enroll every day. As we await the Supreme Court’s ruling on the ACA, remember that health care for 31 million Americans is at stake,” said Get America Covered Executive Director Laura Packard.

Laura Packard is the executive director of Get America Covered, founder of Health Care Voices, and a stage IV cancer survivor. The Affordable Care Act saved her life. If you’re interested in interviewing Laura Packard to learn why and how Americans should take advantage of the open enrollment opportunity to get covered with affordable health insurance or to discuss the state of health care in general, please reach out to


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Get America Covered

Get America Covered helps people looking for health insurance get covered and stay covered.