CLI 1.0.8: Site, page and test profile management

Last month I shared the announcement of Calibre’s new comand line interface & Node.js API. Here is what we’ve improved since with customer feedback.

Ben Schwarz
Calibre Blog
2 min readMay 3, 2018


A one line command to add a site to Calibre using the Node API

We’ve had a fantastic response to the release of CLI. We’ve watched our customers create delivery pipelines that test performance following deployments, detailed custom spreadsheet reports and dashboards mixed with performance and business data. I hope to be able to share some of those stories with you soon.

CLI Updates: What’s new

As soon as CLI was out the door, we started adding functionality to further automate Calibre. Here’s a look at what was added:

  • Add a site to Calibre
calibre site create “My site” \
--location=Sydney \
  • Deletion of sites
  • Add / Edit / Delete pages tracked by Calibre for a given site
  • Add / Edit / Delete the Test Profiles used to test a given site

Node.js examples

We want you to have success with CLI quickly, so we’ve made sure to keep improving the Node.js examples as new features arrive.

Here are a few examples we’ve added:

🎬 Getting started with CLI

You’ll need a Calibre account to use CLI. There’s a free, 14-day trial, and we’re more than happy to help if there’s any questions along the way.

We can’t wait to see what you do with it!

🚀 Help us make the Web faster for everyone!

Calibre is a bootstrapped company. Every new customer allows us to continue growing and playing a part in making the Web a faster place for everyone.

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