Introducing Regions

Monitor, alert and improve website performance around the globe

Ben Schwarz
Calibre Blog
2 min readAug 8, 2016


Latency on the Internet is a huge factor—we wanted to provide a way to get a geographically representative view of given site’s performance, just like your users are experiencing.

At Calibre, we’re dedicated to supplying better insights of how people perceive your apps and websites. Today, we’re excited to introduce our most requested feature, Regions, to help make that possible.

Now you’ll be able to choose the region most relevant to your audience and Calibre will automatically start monitoring from that location.

We’re launching regions with three locations, New York, Frankfurt, and Sydney. We’ll be adding more areas in the near future.

What will regions show me?

There’s a high probability that changing the region will alter your metrics, depending on where your servers physically located. Stellar performance might drop to average or the other way around.

This illustrates the huge impact that latency has on the internet—Even on a ‘best case’ datacenter internet connection

For example, here is what we saw when monitoring was moved from New York, USA to Sydney, Australia. Now you can see through the eyes of your users!

How do I start using regions?

Regions are available to all accounts at no additional cost. You can choose a region while adding a new site, or change an existing site via the Site ≫ Settings page.

We have so much more that we’re excited to share with you as we continue our mission to make the web fast for everyone. 🌍🌏🌎

Calibre is for teams who want to monitor, alert and improve the performance and user-experience of websites and applications. Sign up today!

