Release notes: SAML Single Sign-On, Performance Budgets and more!

Release notes is our once a month summary of everything that we’ve launched and updated.

Ben Schwarz
Calibre Blog
4 min readMar 22, 2019


Hello SSO

With the release of SAML SSO, Calibre now easily integrates with identity providers to allow your team to sign in with the same credentials as your other SSO-enabled services.

👪 Easier team management

SAML provides easy member management — co-workers will be able to get access to your team without having to receive an invitation.

SAML is available on the Enterprise plan. If you’d like to know about options to upgrade to an Enterprise plan, get in touch with support.

📈 Performance budget improvements

We’ve updated how metric budgets are set, displayed and calculated to improve their usefulness (and fixed some bugs!)

Set budgets less than or greater than

When you set a metric budget you will now be prompted to set a value that you’re aiming to be less than or greater than, depending on the metric.

For example, Time to Interactive is best kept low (ideally maximum 5s) so the budgets should check whether the measurements remain below the set value.

On the other hand, with a metric like Lighthouse Performance Score, the higher the number, the better, so you will be setting a minimum threshold.

If you haven’t set any metric budgets for your sites, view a metric from the Pulse page and click “Add new budget”. We recommend starting with First Meaningful Paint and Time to Interactive.

Moving averages

There was some ambiguity with how we calculated and displayed metric averages and this update hopes to clear that up.

Averages are supposed to easily communicate if you’re trending in the right direction, which becomes possible with moving averages.

For each metric we calculate a moving average for 6 month, 3 month, 1 month and 1 week blocks. For each block an average is determined and compared to the previous period. For example, you can see how a metric has improved (or declined) on average this month compared to last month.

✨ Other updates

Lighthouse 4.1

We’ve upgraded our test agents from Lighthouse 4.0-beta to 4.1 so the results you see in Calibre continue to be very close in release parity with the Chrome Developer Tools add-on and the Chrome extension.

Download Lighthouse JSON

It’s now possible to download the Lighthouse JSON of every test that Calibre conducts, which can be loaded into Lighthouse Viewer or processed manually for further analysis.

Update member roles

The ability to update member roles without having to remove and re-invite has been a long requested feature. You can now change member roles on the Team page!

🏃‍♀ JavaScript runtime metrics are back!

Runtime execution of JavaScript has been identified as a major hidden cost for performance on the Web. If you’ve had a hunch that a particular ad network, tracking script or chat system is slowing down your site, dig into the JavaScript Timings by Source on snapshot or standalone test.

💻 CLI & Node.JS API updates

We made a whole lot of improvements to CLI, our command line client and Node.JS API. Now you can download the screenshots, videos and lighthouse.json from any Calibre test. All that with a single command. We summarised the release in it’s own post. Read it here.

Last, but certainly not least

👨 Welcome Michael Dijkstra to the team!

We’re excited to announce the addition of Michael Dijkstra to our team as Platform Developer.

Michael will be focused on improving the product as we look to regularly release new features and updates to Calibre this year.

Originally published at

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