Introducing the Chip Community Forum!

Why we started moving our community discussions to our own forum.

Sarah Dyer
3 min readJul 30, 2019


Last week, we launched the Chip Community Forum to the world, and we’ve been blown away by the reception so far!

But why did we decide to start our own forum, how did we go about getting it ready for launch, and what’s coming next? I thought I’d take some time to answer these questions, and hopefully you’ll be rushing to sign up and get involved before I’m done!

The limits of social media

First up, why start a forum? Especially when we already have Facebook groups for the ChipMunks and our investors?

To put it politely, Facebook isn’t an ideal platform. Topics and conversations can be hard to follow, even if Facebook’s algorithm decides to show them to you!

By moving to our own forum, we can better organise the categories and topics so that whatever you’re looking for, or want to post, you can quickly and easily find the best place for it.

The forum also means that the whole Chip community are in one place. Sure, there’s special sections for investors and ChipMunks (more on that in a bit), but the majority of it is open for all Chippers to come together and chat about… well, anything, really!

Want to chat about your latest Netflix binge or ask for help on ways to save money? On the Chip forum, you can!

Getting the forum ready

So how did we go about getting the forum ready? First, we created the categories, based on the type of conversations which we want to encourage, in a structure which we think makes sense.

Of course, it may be changed in the future depending on how it works in reality! It’s all about seeing what’s best for the community.

We then invited members of the Chip community to join the forum in stages; starting with investors, then ChipMunks, and then everyone.

This slow rollout meant we could keep an eye out and see how the layout and software was working and make changes easily, rather than get swamped with new users and have everything go horribly wrong!

Luckily, the rollout went nice and smoothly, and the forum is now open to everyone! We hope you’ll come and join us for some chat, to ask the Chip team some questions, or get some advice from your fellow Chip users.

But what if you want to help make Chip better than ever, give feedback on new features and get the chance to win some special goodies and prizes to boot?

Then you’ll want to join the ChipMunks, our super-special group of Chippers. As a ChipMunk, we’ll be coming to you to see what you think of Chip’s upcoming features way ahead of everyone else, you’ll be able to take part in exclusive Q&As with Team Chip, and so much more.

To sign up, just create your account on the Chip Forum and then head here to apply to join the ChipMunks!

And if you’re an investor? Well, we have a special investor-only section of the forum, just for you. Once you’ve created your forum account, you can request access to this section here.

See you on the forum!

