An Introduction to Email Marketing!

Get Community
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2018


By Lindsay Gerner, Senior Digital Copywriter

For some, emailing is just a snappy and efficient way to send out a quick “The Friday staff meeting has been pushed to 2:00 p.m…oh and it’s also Hawaiian shirt day,” or a casual “Hey, Mom! I’m snowed in again this weekend, but I’m really loving Nebraska! P.S. Please send groceries.” Having the power to communicate with colleagues and loved ones with just a simple ping! is truly amazing, but, if you’re like us here at Get Community, we THRIVE on spreading the word about all kinds of cool topics, news, and events that can educate and benefit our readers, and we do this by using a lovely little tool called email marketing.

You might have heard this term tossed around here and there, but haven’t taken the time to actually implement it into your own marketing strategy. I’m here to tell you it’s easy to grasp, extremely effective, and it’s also really fun. According to, 94% of Internet users use email, while only 61% use social media, and 75% of adult online users say that email marketing is their preferred marketing method.

So, what exactly IS email marketing? A straightforward definition would be that it’s the use of email to promote products and/or services, and to develop relationships with potential customers and/or clients.

“This sounds great! But, where do I start?” In order to master the art of email marketing, you need to build a solid list of people who will receive your beautifully crafted newsletters and eblasts.

Building an email list can be done in a variety different ways, from networking and exchanging business cards to including a call to action at the end of your blog posts to sign up for email notifications. Here are some other ways you can help your contact list grow:

Spread the word through social media! Direct them to your website and other platforms where they can sign up to stay current

on what’s going on with your business.

Host an event!
Send invitations via snail mail and ask people to RSVP with their email addresses.

Website opt-in!
When people visit your website, have a little box pop up asking people to submit their email addresses to receive more news and info. Here’s one you’ve probably seen when you visit the Get Community website:

(For more ways on how to build your email list, check out this article on

So, now that you have an amazing list and you’re ready to start sending out emails, let’s get into the types of content you’ll be producing for your audience:

Newsletters. This is your time to tell people what’s new with you! Your first newsletter is all about introducing your brand and what it’s all about. Make the look and voice true to who you are. Going forward, you can tell people about what topics you’ll be discussing on the blog that month, what events you have coming up, details about new products/services you have, and other exciting information that your readers will be interested in.

Make sure your newsletter includes: A catchy subject line, copy that is short and to the point, informative nuggets of knowledge, and great visuals. Click HERE to learn how to craft the perfect newsletter.

Promotional Campaigns. Promoting campaigns is one of the major reasons why email marketing is so beneficial! If you’re hosting a social media contest, get the word out with a fun and informative eblast that gets them engaged on your social feeds. Include the rules and what prize they could win if they enter.

The holidays are just around the corner (woohoo!), which is also a great time to reach out and connect with your readers, whether it’s Mother’s Day, Arbor Day, or Christmas. A seasonal campaign can boost social media engagement as well, whether you’re giving out discounts on a product or asking people to post their ugliest Christmas sweater on Instagram for a sweet incentive. Check out some other types of email campaigns you can create HERE.

May your fingers be swift and your contact list be full!

Lindsay Gerner is a Senior Digital Copywriter at Get Community. She studied Creative Writing at Concordia University, Irvine and Pepperdine University, and on weekends you can find her at the movies or binging her favorite shows (current obsession = Game of Thrones).

Originally published at



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