How to Spark Interest with YouTube Ads

Get Community
3 min readJul 24, 2020


Last time, we talked about the importance of using YouTube as a social media platform to showcase your communities and attract homebuyers. As with other platforms, this actually means not only utilizing it as a place to produce content, but also using YouTube as a means to advertise.

When people watch videos on YouTube, they may not be actively searching for your brand and product, however they are open to discovery. In fact 90% of people said that they discovered a new product via YouTube. By taking advantage of advertisements on this popular video platform, your homes can easily be discovered by potential homebuyers!

You may be asking yourself, “Why should I advertise on YouTube instead of running ads on TV?” While they may seem similar, how they are perceived by the audience is actually very different. A study showed that ads on YouTube actually hold attention better in comparison to TV ads because when people are watching videos on the web, they generally aren’t multitasking like they are when they are watching TV. Furthermore, this study also revealed that viewers are more inclined to be interested in ads on YouTube versus ads on TV as they see them as cumbersome and annoying.

These stats especially hold true when it comes to homebuilders! Our clients that have chosen to advertise on YouTube have seen a major difference in organic and promoted content. Videos that have been promoted have a 45% higher audience retention rate than videos that have not been promoted. Once interest had been sparked, their viewers actually took the time to dive deeper and continue to watch their videos. And are you ready for THIS? 95% of video views were a result of promoted content!

So what makes a good ad? 🤔 When it comes to creating marketing videos, it may seem that production quality is the most important factor. In actuality, relatability has been shown to be most important. Viewers want content that aligns with their wants, needs, and passions, so cater to them! Remember the questions we prompted you to think about in our last blog post? Your ads should address those questions in a way that authentically reflects your brand’s voice.

If you’re still uncertain about where to start, consider creating ads that align with the ones that you currently have on social media and Google. This way, you can reinforce your message via YouTube while also utilizing resources you may already have on hand. In addition, be sure your ads are accessible in both mobile and desktop form as your viewers will be using both when watching videos.

It may seem daunting at first, but if you use your already created content as a jumping off point, you’ll be surprised by how easy it will be to identify what videos you want to use in your YouTube ads to spark the interest of potential homebuyers!

Kylie Hunter is a copywriter for Get Community. When she’s not creating content, you can find her crafting or up in the air as an aerial silks coach.

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