Alexandra McDermott
Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2019


I can’t tell you how often I’ve lost track of time while watching online videos. Not to toot my own horn, but I’ve spent an impressive amount of time consuming the latest recommended videos section on YouTube and scrolling through videos people tagged me in on Facebook. When I checked out the statistics, it ends up I wasn’t the only one bingeing viral sensations on the internet for hours. In 2018, more than 500 million hours of videos were watched on YouTube EACH DAY and one-third of all online activity was spent watching videos. 😱

Using videos in your digital marketing campaign provides your audience with content that’s entertaining, easily consumable, and has the potential to go viral. Promoting fresh video content that makes you stand out from the competition is no easy feat, but we came up with seven ideas that will help get your creative juices flowing!

Host an AMA

Do you receive a lot of emails from potential customers that ask specific questions about your business? Live streaming an AMA (ask me anything) is an excellent way to interact with your followers in real-time and answer commonly asked questions.

Hosting an AMA on your Instagram or Facebook Live can start interesting discussions about your products or services, and can even bring up topics you didn’t think of addressing. If it isn’t already obvious, we are all about showing the personal side of your business, and this is just another opportunity to step out from behind the curtain (Wizard of Oz style!).

Have a social media takeover

Sometimes keeping your posts 🌶 spicy 🌶 means introducing a new perspective into your content. Have you ever considered hiring a social media influencer? Bringing on a new face to host a 24-hour takeover on your Instagram Stories can really shake up your social media feed!

Partnering with the right influencer can help you generate sales, drive traffic to your website, and increase brand awareness.

Tip: Influencers are the kings and queens of content creation 👑, and they know how to make K I L L E R content that’s out-of-the-box. Just make your campaign objectives clear before they host their takeover, and then sit back and wait for your mind to be blown! (And check out our blog on working with micro-influencers!)

Start an IGTV series

Need some content that will help bring cohesion to your social media feed? Start a weekly or monthly series! IGTV allows your followers to subscribe to your series, get notifications when you post a new video, and now you have the ability to categorize your content so users will have an easier time looking for specific topics.

👀 Give your follows a sneak peek! 👀

People love getting a behind-the-scenes look at how operations run, so why not make a video about the day in the life of working at your business! Show off your company culture by going LIVE when you’re hosting an event, having lunch together, doing an activity, having a brainstorm session, etc.

Tip: Giving viewers a sneak peek into what makes your company thrive can also develop professional opportunities! Potential clients and customers get to see your stellar skills in action and you get to showcase your impressive work ethic.

Tell us a story

Do you have any engaging or exciting stories to tell that relate to your business? People love a good story and relatable characters, and video is a great medium! This is the perfect opportunity to invite a customer or staff member to come on camera and give a testimonial about using your product or tell a story that relates to your brand.

Repost user-generated content

Did you know that videos made by regular people get 10 times more views than videos made by a brand? Look for savvy social media users who create content that’s engaging, well-produced, and will speak to your target demographic.

Tip: Need help finding user-generated posts? Hashtags are going to be your best friend 😉. Type a relevant hashtag into the search bar on Instagram and see what’s out there! (Remember to ask their permission before reposting their content!)

Closed captioning is brought to you by…

Congrats! 🎉 You’ve created video content that’s going to entertain the masses! 😀 Now, you should seriously consider adding captions to your videos. This will allow people who are hearing impaired, or aren’t able to watch your video with sound, to also enjoy your content!

Tip: Adding captions is also a useful tool for SEO! Once you add captions, Google will have a ton of information about your video. When people search for topics related to your video’s message, it will pop up in their search results.

As you can see, videos can be a VERY powerful visual marketing tool. Now that you have these tips to help you create the next viral sensation, it’s time to get your camera ready!

Alexandra McDermott is a Digital Marketing Coordinator at Get Community. You can find her rocking out at concerts, thrifting for the best finds, and killing it at bar trivia.

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