Alexandra McDermott
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2019


Written by: Alexandra McDermott, Digital Marketing Coordinator

The weather is getting crisper and the days are getting shorter, which means the holiday season is upon us! The most wonderful time of the year may be about spending quality time with your loved ones, but it’s also a wonderful time to market your business on social media! There’s no better time than now to get your audience excited about a creative holiday campaign and motivate them to take action, whether it’s a promotion or a contest!

We looked back at seasons past ( just like a popular Scrooge) to evaluate what kind of content we thought would get those sleigh bells ringing! Let’s take a look at five ideas we think will get your readers feeling joyful about your business.

It’s all about the holly jolly hashtag

You know we love a good hashtag. Even when it’s not during the holidays, it’s crucial to use hashtags that relate to your business in your social media ad copy. Using hashtags gives your post the ability to reach a wider audience and can potentially increase engagement. For your holiday posts, try creating a custom hashtag based on your unique campaign!

Tip: Come up with a hashtag that relates to your brand and encourage your followers to use it in their posts. YOU should also be using this hashtag as often as possible. 😀

Anyone up for a festive contest?

During this time of year, people are on the hunt for thoughtful and original gifts. 🎁 We also think it’s pretty awesome to receive thoughtful and original gifts, so why not host a competition where your followers can win PRIZES?!

Think about it: Have you ever entered a contest online to win a product or service? We know we’ve been guilty of tagging friends in posts and regramming to win that new Glossier lip gloss. Why not use this type of strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives?

Is your goal to get more brand awareness?

Have the people entering your contest share your Instagram or Facebook post on their account as part of the requirements of winning. This will give your business more exposure (and don’t forget to use that unique holiday hashtag!). 😉

All about the feels

Creating content that connects with people on an emotional level is essential any time of the year, but during the holiday season it can have an even BIGGER impact on your readers. Make it your goal to design, write, and film content that will make their hearts grow three extra sizes!

Tip: Put your employees in the spotlight! Go behind the scenes of your company culture and show everyone how your team spreads holiday cheer.

I want my IGTV!

People are starting to watch more digital video and less television, so consider incorporating a fun and festive video into your campaign strategy. For example, if you’re putting together a contest, this could be a creative way to introduce it to your followers, tell them the rules, and what the prize will be.

One of the video platforms that’s starting to gain momentum is IGTV! For those who aren’t familiar, IGTV is an app on Instagram where you can share videos that can be up to an hour in length. This tool is perfect for when you want to share long-form content and drive traffic to your page.

Tip: Wondering what kind of video content to post on IGTV? This feature is ideal for posting interviews with customers and influencers, or showing off soon-to-launch products!

🎊 Deck the halls (and your social media pages)! 🎊

One of the best parts about the holiday season is putting on that iconic 🎶 Mariah Carey song 🎶 and decorating your home. Help your followers feel the magic by infusing your social media pages with all the twinkly lights, sugar plums, and snowflakes! Make custom cover images and use festive-inspired imagery and text that ties into your marketing campaign (just a friendly reminder to use that hashtag again!). 😀

Now that you are equipped with some ideas on how to structure a spectacular holiday digital marketing campaign, it’s time to catch a sleigh ride to Santa’s workshop and get brainstorming!

Alexandra McDermott is a Digital Marketing Coordinator at Get Community. You can find her rocking out at concerts, thrifting
Alexandra McDermott is a Digital Marketing Coordinator at Get Community. You can find her rocking out at concerts, thrifting for the best finds, and killing it at bar trivia.

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