Wholesale Green Coffee: What’s Behind the Green Miracle Bean

Sarah Ahmed
Get Ecommerce Right!
9 min readNov 13, 2020
Where to buy green coffee beans

Seasoning green coffee beans is the raw state of the well-known coffee beans. It can be drunk as well as taken as a dietary supplement.

Green coffee — what is it?

If the coffee bean that we all know is not yet roasted, then one speaks of green coffee. The coffee beans are actually green when unroasted. Most people prefer to drink the roasted coffee. But green tea lovers also enjoy green coffee.

Coffee arabica

Arabica coffee is the most popular bean on the market. It has a slightly sweet taste. This type of coffee is the only one that is self-fertile.

Coffee Robusta

Robusta coffee beans is more of a pick-me-up because of its higher caffeine content. It is also much bitterer in taste.

The name (Robusta) says it all. The plant can withstand higher temperatures and overall has better adaptability to the climate. However, like all coffee plants with the exception of arabica coffee, it requires external pollination. However, this is not a problem. The intense scent and attractive flowers attract many insects.

Photo by Rachel Clark on Unsplash

The harvest

The fruits of the coffee tree are reminiscent of cherries and are actually called coffee cherries. These mature within seven to ten months. During the ripening process, the fruits often change their color — from green to yellow to deep red. If overripe occurs, the fruits turn black. As soon as the red coffee cherries are ripe, they are picked. Further processing should take place within five hours, otherwise the fruits will begin to ferment and the aroma will be lost. There are two seeds in the stone fruits. Usually workers remove the pulp from the fruit by hand. After drying, you finally hold the coffee bean or green coffee in your hand. It does not come about, as many mistakenly believe, through a different type of cultivation or a special roast. If these where to buy green coffee beans for roasting raw coffee beans are roasted and ground, you get the common black coffee, which is very popular.

Production of the green coffee extract

No roasting takes place in the production of the green coffee extract. The green, raw beans are soaked in the water. This leads to the fact that, among other things, the caffeine, but also other valuable components are removed from them. The now nutrient-rich brew is then dried and what remains is a concentrated essence known as the valuable powder.


While some ingredients are lost during roasting due to intense heating, the green coffee bean still receives them all.

As with all fruits, the ingredients of the coffee beans also depend on the type of coffee, the ripeness during harvest, the cultivation area, the weather conditions, but also the storage of the beans. As with almost every natural product, the values ​​of the ingredients vary accordingly. A total of around 800 different ingredients can be detected in green raw coffee.

Green coffee bean export price raw coffee

The preparation of the green coffee

As with green coffee beans for roasting, green coffee can also be prepared in different ways.

You can make green coffee from:

· Powder

· Ground beans

· Coarsely ground beans

· Self-ground beans

· Whole beans

Which preparation suits you best depends heavily on your individual taste and what markets you want to sell.

The green coffee in powder form

The unroasted coffee beans can now also be purchased as fine coffee powder. Often the powder is declared as green coffee extract. The preparation can vary depending on the manufacturer and type of coffee beans. As with roasted coffee, there are preparation instructions on the packaging.

The green coffee extract is particularly suitable for people who like a milder taste, because the finished powder coffee usually tastes much milder than from the ground or whole beans.

Another benefit is that ground green coffee is not widely available, while green coffee extract is widely available.

Best Coffee beans for wholesale

Preparation of the ground green coffee

The ground green coffee can be prepared like tea. You can brew it either in the filter or in a tea strainer.

To do this, you take about 3 to 5 g of green coffee — this corresponds to about a level or slightly heaped teaspoon — and pour it into the cup.

Bring the water to a boil and let it cool down to at least 95 degrees Celsius. Then 250 ml of water are poured over the green coffee. Let it steep for four minutes.

If you like a stronger taste, you can of course let it steep longer. If the taste is too intense for you, shorten the steeping time. If you haven’t used a tea strainer or filter, then you should still strain the boiled brew. Now the coffee is ready.

Enjoy it!

A preparation as with Turkish coffee is also possible.

Can the green coffee be ground yourself for preparation?

You can also grind the beans yourself and then prepare the green coffee as described above. You can grind the green coffee beans with a coffee grinder. Please make sure that you clean them before use, if you otherwise use them for roasted coffee or other foods, so that the taste of the green coffee is not adulterated. If you don’t have a coffee grinder at home, you can also use a thermomixer or other kitchen machines, with which the coffee is ground very finely.

Grinding the green beans creates a sour smell. The freshly ground green coffee is said to have a significantly more acidic taste than coffee extract, which is why some do not recommend grinding. But even here, trying is more important than studying. It should also be borne in mind that the sour taste varies from bean to bean.

How to make whole bean green coffee

It can also be prepared with whole beans. You should soak the beans in water overnight. The next day, you should boil the softened beans with 100 to 200 milliliters of water. The green coffee is ready to drink after about 15 minutes.

coffee makers

Can you prepare it in a fully automatic coffee machine?

Basically yes. However, the fully automatic coffee machine should only be completely cleaned after roasted beans have been used, so that the taste of the green coffee is not adulterated. It can also be prepared with a coffee machine.

However, some connoisseurs of green coffee report that there are differences in taste, whether you let the coffee run through a fully automatic coffee machine or a coffee machine or whether you have prepared it yourself. The best thing to do is to try it out and find the most suitable and tastiest preparation method for you.

Can green coffee also be drunk with milk?

Real gourmets drink their green coffee green, that is, without any other additives. You can also refine it with milk. However, plant milk is recommended, as animal milk could reduce the positive properties of the various ingredients.

Almond milk goes best with green coffee. The nutty aroma rounds off the taste. Those who suffer from a nut allergy can use oat milk.

What daily amount can be safely drunk?

Green coffee — a tasty seed?

The taste of green coffee can in no way be compared with the usual taste of black coffee. The green coffee is significantly more acidic than the black coffee. For coffee drinkers, the green coffee tastes primarily unusual, probably because they expect something different from coffee. However, you can quickly get used to the new aroma and enjoy the actual taste of the raw beans, i.e. The beans of origin, to the fullest.


If the taste of green coffee is too sour, you can counteract it with ginger. The best way to do this is to use a fresh ginger bulb. Here, too, the addition takes place as usual with tea:

The peel of the ginger is peeled off, the ginger cut into small slices or cubes and added to the green coffee.

Some recommend leaving the peel of the ginger on, as it contains many rich ingredients. Unfortunately, this is also bitter in taste, so that it will not help with already sour green coffee.

However, if you want to use the ginger component as an additional aroma in your green coffee, you can safely leave the bowl on. Then, however, you should use organically grown ginger.

Photo by Battlecreek Coffee Roasters on Unsplash

What should you watch out for when buying green coffee beans wholesale?

It’s best to reach for freshly ground green coffee beans and make sure that the coffee is well tolerated — for example through reviews or recommendations.

Unfortunately, with green coffee extract it can quickly happen that you do not buy a pure product. A look at the ingredients reveals whether the coffee extract is actually just the best green coffee powder in USA. It is often mixed in with fillers such as glucose. This is also not uncommon for capsules and tablets. Although the guidelines for quality controls are already very high in Europe and green coffee is a natural product, there are still one or the other green coffee manufacturers who offers inferior quality and mixes in other inexpensive preparations.

In the case of private label green coffee suppliers, you should also pay attention to the content. Some of the coffee is sold with additives such as small branches or stones. These can damage the coffee machine’s grinder.

High price equals high quality?

Even a high price doesn’t always say something about the quality. Well-known manufacturers often offer convincing products. Nevertheless, you should always take a closer look at the list of ingredients.

Photo by Mehrad Vosoughi on Unsplash

Best place to buy green coffee beans

If you can’t find what you’re looking for in your favorite supermarket, don’t be surprised. Green coffee is becoming increasingly popular, but not all sellers have responded to the demand in time. You can purchase the green coffee as a drink to prepare or as a dietary supplement in:

· Grocery stores

· Health food stores

· Herb houses

· Online ecommerce websites: Amazon, Ebay, eWorldTrade, ecwid, Alibaba

The cheapest way to buy green coffee beans online is definitely the online option. Here you have time to find different retailers and compare prices. But caution is advised! Make sure that the coffee meets the highest possible quality standards. If, on the other hand, you have decided on a foreign green coffee beans supplier, it would be an advantage if you get reviews and testimonials about the product before buying.

If, on the other hand, you order online in a pharmacy, you can first compare the prices and have a safe product. A pharmacy or possibly a trading partner naturally has the advantage that you always have a contact person on site — should any questions still arise.


The coffee we know has been able to continuously improve its reputation over the past few years. Nutritionists ascribed more and more positive properties to roasted beans. The green coffee does even better here: since the roasting process is missing, all the nutrients are retained. Its caffeine content, which should be avoided in too high a dose, is also significantly lower. In capsules and tablets made from green coffee extract, the caffeine content is so small that it can be neglected.



Sarah Ahmed
Get Ecommerce Right!

Digital Marketing and Social Media Savvy/ Writer love to write about current affairs and economic affairs/ Commerce graduate