3am thoughts

beyond blue

Alifiya Nagree
Get Inside
1 min readApr 14, 2020


Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

i am trapped in a cage that is my own mind
four walls closing in on me,
i try to escape but my demons they keep pulling me back
i try to scream and i try to shout
but they fall on deaf ears,
always have.

so i stay silent,
and I suppress my emotions deeper and deeper
i push it down right back to the void it came from.

it has become a reflex you see,
an unconscious and uncontrollable action
saying i am fine when i am anything but
when the pain inside me is tearing open my gut,
curving my lips upwards in a gentle smile
i hide the pain and i hide the hurt.

A master at this i have become,
i feel like an empty shell
but no one can ever tell.

so I remain forever caged in my mind,
my mind that is an unrelenting rush of waves amidst a storm
i fake a smile and act like I am amused
but underneath it all
i am broken, battered and bruised.



Alifiya Nagree
Get Inside

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