6 Ways to Mend a Broken Friendship and Have a Best friend for Life

#3 Give them some time

Hapsari Listya
Get Inside


Melissa Askew @ Unsplash

Do you ever argue with your friends and not talk to each other for a long time?

Great. You have come to the right place.

Friendship is tricky — it could be the best thing in the world and other times, it’s the worst thing that makes you lose hope about this world.

Keeping a friendship is hard as keeping an ideal relationship. You deal with people outside your family — where you don’t have any ideas about their values, priorities, past, you name it.

That’s why a lot of arguments happens in friendship — and you end up ignoring each other.

I’ve been arguing a lot with my best friend. Yes, although she is one of my best friend, our three years of friendship has been through a lot — especially since we live a thousand miles apart.

Once, we didn’t talk for a few weeks because of some arguments. Fortunately, after opening up to each other, now we are best friends for life who promise to keep the friendship until death.

Over the years, I learned a few things to save the friendship even through a thousand arguments:

1. Open up about your feelings



Hapsari Listya
Get Inside

An ailurophile who loves to bake and write. Amor fati ☀️