Do You Expect Me To Fail?


Adam M.
Get Inside


Are you counting on my inability to keep my word?
Does your instability find comfort in my awaited failure?
Do you expect me to fail and reveal my lack of worth?

Do you keep me at bay because you’re waiting for the day
you’ll hear me say, “I’m done, and I can no longer stay”?
Will those words satisfy how you expected me to be?
Please, tell me, honey, is that really how you process victory?
Is that really how you plan to stay pain-free?

I don’t claim to have it all, but I do have this one thing;
its a determination to be freed of all my sins,
for I’ve committed way too many for not listening
to the many things I was taught when I was still a kid.

While others around me try to justify their actions
through false generational understandings,
I look back and can still listen to their voices reprimanding me
for things I now consider insignificant.
However, they weren’t,
for discipline should be given for the smallest things.

