Eliminating Stress By Simplifying the Wardrobe

I used to think I needed new clothes to look the part at work, and to feel successful and confident.

Ane Hukrisna
Get Inside


Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

I started to simplify my life since I decided to quit my old job and focus on my writing career a few months ago. I simplified my diet, my debt, my home, and my work but my closet was off-limits to simplicity.

Now I’m writing from home mostly, and the quarantine situation gives me a chance to take a look at my closet. I had an entire closet full of clothes, shoes, coats, and accessories and left many pieces unused; I even forget if I owned the stuff.

Everything changed when I read about Project 333, a fashion experiment started by Courtney Carver where you commit to wearing just 33 articles of clothing for 3 months. I found a capsule wardrobe, wearing the same thing every day, to be life-changing, literally. It was freeing, calming, iconic, and time-saving. And now today, in my closet, you’ll never find more than 33–35 articles of clothing (but this does not include underwear, sleepwear, sentimental jewelry, and stuff).

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

