How to Honour Your Feelings

In a world that feels so stressful

Lindsay Rae Brown
Get Inside
Published in
4 min readNov 20, 2020


Photo by Ilya Shishikhin on Unsplash

I’ve always believed that happiness equated to success. If you are happy, you are successful in life. Joyfulness, without a shadow of a doubt, means that you are rocking this thing called life.

The theory fits pretty snugly into everyday life. When we are feeling cheerful, we sit on top of the world. Nothing shakes us. We are firm in our resolve that if we can keep up this feeling of euphoria, then all will remain right in the universe.

However, therein lies the problem — we cannot be happy all of the time. Well, at least I, for one, can’t. It’s exhausting. I have hundreds of moments throughout the day where stress showers down on me—periods of heartache and disappointment from the many unforeseen experiences of everyday life. There are times when a myriad of emotions will whitewash me, and I will be left with this astounding feeling of nothingness.

It drives me to believe that any emotion other than happiness means I am not doing “it” right. Right? Where did that idea come from? Why do I feel like I am somehow failing when I am anxious? Why do I expect some foreboding disaster to appear when I’m sad? Why do I liken any emotion other than joy with negativity?

When did it stop being acceptable behaviour to feel?

