Taking a Writing Leap of Faith

Expanding my posts to the more personal

Karen DeGroot Carter
Get Inside
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2021


Goldfish jumping out of fish bowl near open water.
Photo by Alphaspirit (Adobe Stock)

Yikes, this is scary. In my first year and a half on Medium, I’ve published a variety of posts, but very few have been personal. My most personal to date (My Daughter’s — and My — Mary Poppins Moment) was about one of my daughters, but it was also about the issue of racial identity. I tend to believe my writing is most helpful and interesting when it covers concrete things like grammar, language, books, book publishing, poetry, memes, social media, and even Santa. Things readers might want to learn about. And while I’ll continue to write such posts because I love to explore topics and share what I’ve learned, I’m feeling the pull to return to the more top-of-mind writing I used to do in journals — but to do that writing online so I don’t just add to my collection of journals filled with scribbled notes I never return to. I also like the idea of digging into my old journals to see what nuggets I can pull out of them and explore.

Another challenge for me is to not edit so much. I’ve probably already read (and revised) the first few sentences of this post a dozen times. It’s an old habit my compulsive copy-editing brain will probably never overcome. So if you’ve read my other posts — especially those about grammar — forgive me if you see errors in my more personal posts, especially if they ramble — as…



Karen DeGroot Carter
Get Inside

Bylines in Publishers Weekly, Literary Mama, others. One Sister’s Song (novel). Not Nearly Everything You Need to Know About Writing (ebook).