The Cold of Your Goodbye

A story about a person’s position regarding the death of their loved one

Evaristo Pérez López
Get Inside
2 min readNov 13, 2020


Photo by Dipak Rathwa on Pexels

I have awakened.

The morning is so cold and silent. The bed is so big for me because of your departure. I look for you, Love, unbridled, inside the closet that still has your smell on your clothes.

Is there hope to see you again? Nobody told me this situation would get out of control. Nobody warned me that you would tear my illusion of living and take it forever. I want so much to see you again, but I do not know where to find you. How to know if you also want to see me? Your books hide your whereabouts from me. Your perfume ties me to the house. Our history asks that I get you back and that we continue with ours, but I do not know where you are.

The morning chill hits my body, a body that no longer has life if you are not here. I do not know how much longer I can hold out.

Love, come back, winter has come home. The seasonal fruits are eager to share the table with us. Who told you our story is over? Who dared to take you away from me? Come back; we have a long way to go.

Everything indicated that you would never go away. Love, I promise you I will not make breakfast too early anymore. I promise you I will let you sleep another fifteen minutes longer than usual. Sorry for loving you so much, do not leave me alone. I promise you that while you sleep next to me, I will not hug you out of fear, but because you are the dream of my life.

Love, get rid of the idea that I will have another Love. I will wait for you if you give me hope; otherwise, I will go wherever you are. You are my gravity; I always want to be with you.

Please do not pretend to escape my life. You are my life. Contrary to what people said about me, I want to grow old with you. Come back home.

Without you, nothing matters to me. I promise you that this time, I will come forward to propose to you. Come back; if you want to love me without measure, I will not stop you.

I refuse to believe that you are gone forever. I do not think the headstone wants to have your name on it; it is not happy. Love, you are stronger than all; take me strong next to you.

Hurt me whatever it takes but do it by my side. Break my heart; it does not matter; the pieces will join you because you are my gravity.

My Love, just come back to say goodbye.

Evaristo Pérez López



Evaristo Pérez López
Get Inside

I am photography passionate. I write fiction about the interaction between humans, animals, and objects. My impossible love is programming. | IG: eva_perlop