About this publication & disclaimer

Rosa Wilkinson
Get into brand consultancy
2 min readMar 11, 2017

This is about you, not me. But you may be interested to know why I thought this could be useful.

I started in brand consulting in 2005 at The Value Engineers and was lucky enough to learn as I worked across the breadth of brand strategy disciplines (largely for consumer goods and services companies). In 2011 I chose to specialise in B2B brand consultancy and moved to Dragon Rouge’s London office. I’m now starting a new role at Clear M&C Saatchi, a marketing strategy consultancy.

Since I left university I’ve been part of its “GradLink” service. I hear from a lot of people who’ve heard about the mysterious world of brand consulting and would like to know more. They’ve seemed to find our chats helpful, so I thought I might as well share some of the topics we usually discuss. There doesn’t seem to be much information online except some general careers content like this (which doesn’t really give the full picture).

If you’re in the same boat, I hope you find this helpful. It would be great to know what else you’d find useful. And if you already work in brand consultancy then please share any other helpful perspectives or opportunities you think others would benefit from.

Thanks for visiting, reading and sharing. If you find it helpful, please help someone else get into brand consultancy one day too.

The disclaimer bit:

All opinions are my own and not representative of any of my employers (past or present). I prefer to write about businesses which I (or my circle of contacts) have direct experience of, or those with a strong, established industry reputation.

I have a strong personal commitment to social mobility, so will try to feature “proper” paid jobs rather than unpaid internships. Graduate Fog is a third party site which might help you unravel the financial implications of internships and graduate entry positions.

Lastly — I’m not currently responsible for recruiting and I can’t give detailed assessments of CVs. I am very happy to answer additional questions (if I can) or take suggestions for other content to be added to this site. I hope it goes without saying that no responsibility is taken for career decisions made on the basis of this content!

