Unlocking Peak Performance

Act your way into the feeling with Supreme Confidence

Andrew Zimmermann
Get Lucid
2 min readJul 5, 2017


Living with Supreme Confidence is all about action. Supreme confidence is taking the right action no matter how you feel. The right action doesn’t mean a successful action. It means the best action you know to take based on the information you currently have. After you take that action, you might discover that there is a better action to take. The only way you can learn that is by taking the first action and learning from it.

Shaky Confidence: living with shaky confidence means you have an idea of what you should be doing but you don’t take action because you are afraid of being wrong. At some point, you have to take action in order to get the information you need to move forward. If you only take action when it feels good, you will be limiting your growth. If fear and uncertainty are holding you back from taking action, then you have shaky confidence.

Stable Confidence: living with stable confidence requires work. You will have to be aware of when you don’t feel like taking action even though you know you need to do something. You will have to act your way into the feeling. There are two ways you can live with stable confidence. The first is observing opportunities to act in your daily life. Moments when you feel uncomfortable but know you need to act. The second way is to choose an area each day or each week where you will make a plan to take action even though it is uncomfortable. You practice and get reps in consciously so you will have the skills and confidence to act when situations arise unexpectedly.

Supreme Confidence: living with supreme confidence is a process just like any other growth process. When you get outside of your comfort zone and take confident action, it becomes easier the more often you do it. With time, things that made you uncomfortable no longer pop up on the radar and you move on to new challenges and obstacles. You will know when you are living with supreme confidence when you feel discomfort around an action but you don’t even hesitate…you dive right into action.

Living is about actions. Take actions boldly and confidently. No matter what happens, you can learn and move forward. Don’t let fear and uncertainty hold you back from reaching your full potential. Step out, step up, and keep moving forward.

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Andrew Zimmermann
Get Lucid

Content Director for Lucid Performance. Building a population that is confident, focused, and thriving under pressure