Unlocking Pure Performance

Lock in, let go, and create flow with Laser Focus

Andrew Zimmermann
Get Lucid
2 min readJun 30, 2017


Living with Laser Focus is a lifelong practice. The mind is easily distracted and pulled out of the present moment. It is easier to focus on things that are out of our control and wish they were different than to focus on what is in our control and take action.

Being Present: Living in the present moment means we are fully aware of where we are placing our focus at all times. Wherever we are, we are choosing for our mind to be there as well — to be fully engaged and present each moment. We can be pulled from the present by thoughts, feelings, and our surroundings. We can flash back and relive something that happened in the past or we can fast forward and pre-live a dream or nightmare in the future. We can even check out from what we are doing and our mind can wander somewhere else in the present moment. Notice your mind and when you notice it wandering, gently bring it back.

Focus on what you can control: Focus on what you can control. Focus on what you can control. Focus on what you can control! Living this principle will be the difference maker in your performance. If you focus on what you can control you won’t get stuck because you can always change the things that are in your control. The things you can control tend to affect the things that are out of your control. Start taking action on the things you can control and just notice how they affect the things that are out of your control.

Refocus Fast: Whether your mind wanders out of the present moment or you start focusing on things that are out of your control, the biggest skill for building laser focus is your ability to refocus fast. Refocusing fast requires awareness and compassion. You have to be aware when your focus shifts away from what you can control in the present moment. Then you have to be compassionate for yourself. You have to know that losing your focus is going to happen. You can’t change it, but you can change how you respond. You can choose to bring your focus back.

Living with laser focus has two parts. The first part is your real life experiences. There are opportunities each and every moment to work on the 3 skills of laser focus. The second part is a training regiment. You can take time each day to build your ability to focus by training with an MVP or other focus exercise. You can have a coach lead you through the exercise or you can lead yourself. Just like strength training, building your mental muscle will help you perform when the pressure is on and you need to focus to be at your best.

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Andrew Zimmermann
Get Lucid

Content Director for Lucid Performance. Building a population that is confident, focused, and thriving under pressure