Unlocking Pure Performance

Becoming a Human Being who is free to fail

Andrew Zimmermann
Get Lucid
2 min readJun 28, 2017


Living the first pillar is about checking in with yourself. At first, you should be checking in daily with the three parts of the Winning Wisdom Pillar. You should be reminding yourself that you are a human being choosing to perform. Therefore, you are free to fail, because you know that Victory truly does go to those that are willing to get Vulnerable. What does that mean on a daily basis?

Human being choosing to perform: Living as a human being choosing to perform means you recognize that you are choosing to be in different situation. Even if you are not choosing to be in a situation, you can remind yourself that you are a human being and your value is not determined by the results or outcomes of your current situation. It means showing up as authentically to yourself as you can. Only you know what you are capable of. Only you know the value you are able to bring the world. Don’t allow yourself to lose sight of who you are.

Free to fail/free to fall: Living free to fail is not about deciding to fail. It is about deciding not to be held back by the fear of failure. It means finding the balance between preparation and action. Not being afraid to bite off more than you can chew knowing that you may not get the results you wanted. If you are open to failing and falling, you are open to growing. Living free to fail means no matter what happens you keep moving forward. You act, analyze, adjust, and act again.

Victory goes to the Vulnerable: Living this motto is where you will start to win big. Getting vulnerable is not putting yourself in physical danger. It is about putting yourself out there. Going all in even when you aren’t sure of the result. Really going all in can feel vulnerable, but what you will soon realize is that you aren’t actually in danger. Most of the time, when it comes to performing at a high level, we are the only ones stopping ourselves because we are afraid. It actually takes a lot of strength to open yourself up and get vulnerable.

It can be a challenge living out the first pillar. It is easy to get distracted and begin to define ourselves based on what we do or based on what others think or say about us. With repetition, you can start operating with the wisdom that you are a human being choosing to perform. You are free to fail, because victory goes to the vulnerable.

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Andrew Zimmermann
Get Lucid

Content Director for Lucid Performance. Building a population that is confident, focused, and thriving under pressure