Get Noticed 2017 — it’s time to say hello!

Radek Anuszewski
Get Noticed! 2017 [Radek Anuszewski]
2 min readMar 2, 2017
This post is a part of Get Noticed! 2017 contest by Maciej Aniserowicz

I truly believe that everybody has something interesting to say, so few months ago I started writing my own blog on Medium. But because of few reasons, mostly because of procrastination and imagined lack of time, blog become dead — updates were irregular and moreover, it had something about 6 moths break, without any updates. But, I hope that with Get Noticed! 2017 it will change.

Few words about me

I work as front-end developer, and irregularly wrote here, usually about Angular JS (1.x). Some of the posts: about $onInit hook and simplifying controller tests, switching between YT and Vimeo players with $onChanges, dealing with not ready component bindings and different CSS frameworks inside one project with Angular 2 become quite popular, at least compared to other posts.

Few words about project

I have tried to learn React, Spring Data, Spring Rest, Spring Security, Hibernate… But there was no consistency in these attempts, project were small and updated once a few weeks. Now, with obligatory 2 posts in every week (with one directly about project) and at least 10 weeks of development I see a light at the end.

Chess app will be about… Playing chess. It’s empty now, but it will change in next few weeks. What about technologies? React on front-end with Spring on back-end. What about complexity? Time will tell. It will be nice to have WebSocket for games between 2 live players, and some (even crazy simple) AI to play single player. Also, interesting thing is to watch completed games, where list of moves will be loaded from server — but the true icing on the cake will be ability to watch notable chess games, loaded from CSV or something. Again, time will tell.


Just wish me good luck!



Radek Anuszewski
Get Noticed! 2017 [Radek Anuszewski]

Software developer, frontend developer in, mostly playing with ReactJS, AngularJS and, recently, BackboneJS / MarionetteJS.