True Self Care

Brittany Crane
Get Out There Girl
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2020

You can’t scroll through Facebook or Instagram without seeing posts about self care. It’s all the rage these days. Which I love. Self care is more than important, it’s necessary to live your best life. However, not all self care is created equal. How can you make sure that you are doing the right self care for you?

For me a pedicure just doesn’t cut it. A bubble bath doesn’t either. Both of those activities along with a dozen other ones don’t recharge me. Sure I enjoy them, but they don’t light me up and give me energy. True self care needs to recharge you and give you energy that can transfer over into your life. You should have more of you to give because you spent time taking care of yourself.

For me the best form of self care is moving my body. Whether that is hiking, running, weight lifting, dancing, etc. It makes me feel alive and recharges all of my batteries. When I feel full of life I have more life to give. I have more energy to give to my family, my work, my church calling, my friends, and even strangers.

There are so many ways to practice self care. Take time and ask yourself what kind of self care is right for you? Paying attention to your thoughts and feelings is the first step. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does it recharge me?
  • Does it give me energy?
  • Does it bring me peace?
  • Does it help me connect with myself?
  • Do I feel better after my self care than I did before?

I hope you find the self care that lights you up and fills you with more life so you have more to give. The world needs you at your best. Take care of yourself.

