Eight Must-Have Tools For Content Marketing Writers

Adeife Adeoye
Get Paid To Write
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2022

The way we write content is changing.

When I started writing, I had limited tools, so I had to do most things from scratch.

Trust me; it wasn’t funny.

Creating an editorial calendar on Microsoft Excel was excruciating, not to mention coming up with outlines and topics from scratch, especially when you’re experiencing writer’s block, and you don’t know where to start from. The time is ticking, deadlines are approaching, and I would still be there, blank as a photographic plate waiting for a sign.

I was talking to a friend recently, and she was like, a good writer does not need AI to aid writing because writers should be 100% true to their craft, and using tools take away from their authenticity.


Writing shouldn’t be hard work, and this isn’t a competition. No one is struggling with you for “best true writer that sticks to her guts and ideas.”

This is 2022; we work smart, not hard. So we use tools to make our work faster and easier.

Tools I use as a content marketing writer


Trello is a kanban project management application. I use Trello to manage content projects and other freelance writers. Besides being a content marketing writer, I started a content marketing agency. We are still small and growing, so I rely on Trello to help me set up tasks and monitor them.


There are many controversies when it comes to using AI to aid writing.

I know where all these talks stem from, it’s the fear of AI replacing professional writers.

It would never happen.

AIs cannot replace professional writers. Have you seen a bot-written content before? It SUCKS because it has no emotions. How would that kind of writing take your job?

I use CopyAI when I need ideas and don’t know where to start.

Let’s say I want to come up with an outline for this blog post, and I’m stuck. All I have to do is go on CopyAI and fill out the form

After filing the form, I’ll click on create copy and I’ll get different outlines to choose from. Here are some outlines I got

Instead of coming up with an outline from scratch, it’s helped me with ideas, so all I have to do is curate them and write.

Coschedule Headline Analyzer

The first thing your audience sees when they stumble on your blog post, ebook, video, or article is your headline. Your headline should make your readers want to read the first paragraph of your blog, listen to the first 1 minute of your podcast, or watch the first 30 seconds of your video.

So how do you know if your headline will stand out to Google and your Audience?

Use a headline analyzer. I use Coshedule’s headline analyzer because it is easy to use and simple to understand.


I’m sure you’re familiar with Grammarly. They have ads on almost every website, and they’ve been successful with turning their customers into ambassadors — everyone recommends Grammarly; I recommend Grammarly too.

However, when using Grammarly, don’t edit blindly and don’t trust the bot too much. In the end, it’s still a bot, and you still have to be conversational in your writing.

Remember, conversational English isn’t always grammatically correct.


If you use WordPress for your content writing website/portfolio, you should install the YoastSEO plugin today. The YoastSEO tool can help you develop meta descriptions and SEO titles. It can also help you analyze the quality of your content and check your Flesch reading score. YoastSEO can also be useful in checking internal links, sentence length, subheading distribution, and more.


“Plagiarism is more than a deadly sin; it is a crime” — Arlene Miller.

As a writer, the last thing you want is plagiarism. Not only will your client criticize you for plagiarizing, but Google will also penalize you for it. CopyScape is a great writing tool to check if your content is free of plagiarism.


One of the essential things to do as a content marketing writer is to ensure you use proper keywords in your content. This helps ensure your content gets ranked organically on Google search, making it easy for your paid advert to get noticed by the target audience. Ubersuggest has both a free version and the premium package, providing the necessary keywords for your niche.


Canva is a content marketing resource that provides you with free access to millions of design templates. You can make designs for your logo, poster advert, email writing sample, letterheads, video presentation, pictures, and lots more on Canva. It is available on mobile phones, laptops, and desktop computers.



Adeife Adeoye
Get Paid To Write

I write about my journey as an adult - lifestyle, dating, adulting, yada yada yada❤️