GET 2020 vision — Development update

Olivier Biggs
Open Ticketing Ecosystem
4 min readJan 2, 2020

By GUTS Tickets Product Owner Frans Twisk. This was originally posted as a part of the December ’19 update blog.

The product team has ended 2019 with a bang, by delivering (among other things) a massive feature that can be used for a multitude of use-cases. We call it: shops!

Introducing Shops
In a nutshell it allows you to sell tickets, each with their own properties, through multiple channels to different audiences, and track sales.

Shops. In shops. In shops.

Here are some use-cases that can be executed using shops:
- I want to do a ‘presale’ to sell 50% of all tickets to a special group of fans or members who will get a link in their mailbox.

- I want to sell tickets through multiple (marketing) channels with a limited number of discounted tickets, for partners to promote to their customers.

- I want to create a special link with limited discounted tickets, which can be spread by ‘influencers’ on social media, and track their conversion.

- I want to invite guests on my ‘guestlist’ through a unique on-time-usage link where they can claim a limited number of tickets for free..

Creating and managing tickets in different shops is super easy: each event comes with a default shop, but with a click on a button you can create a new shop with its own set of (discounted) tickets, its own url, layout and more…

Introducing Pools
The powerful thing that combines all your shops is the usage of “pools”. Each ticket sells a certain maximum number of entrance-rights (or any other type of product), and this number can be set in a pool. Tickets (in different shops) can share the same pool, so you can be sure to never oversell your event!

Who’s up for some pool?

Simple example: if my regular shops sells 50 tickets of the maximum capacity of 500 set in the pool, all other tickets that use the same pool have 450 left.

Of course you can also limit the number for a specific ticket only. You can even sell tickets that use a combination from different pools, e.g: a ticket that gives you an entrance-right plus 2 drinks. Or a full-weekend ticket that gives you access to both days, thus lowering the number available for the separate Saturday and Sunday tickets.

The possibilities are endless, and we haven’t even gone in depth about how this can improve marketing and campaigns. We are really proud we launched this powerful feature and already it has been used by several organisers in numerous ways. I’m sure it will be used in 2020 a lot, even in ways we did not foresee!

What about 2020?

While the product team works extremely agile, there is of course a strategy and general roadmap, although priority is not always set in stone. The first few months of 2020 are actually pretty well defined, so here’s a list of a few of the bigger features we will be working on (they are kept vague on purpose):

  • Offline support in the mobile ticket wallet app;
  • Secondary-ticket-market;
  • Ticket-explorer;
  • Scaling;
  • Discount codes & vouchers;
  • Scanner profiles;
  • Communication & notifications…

… and much much more. We are really noticing the growth in our userbase is resulting in a lot of small and big wishes from existing and upcoming clients!

One of the things I look forward to is to work on improving our secondary-ticket market and its rules, features and user-experience. As you might have read in our ADE blog, we learned that our current market-rules are simply not enough for some audiences. With the feedback we collected from this, we have immediately gone back to the drawing board and have a new design which will be launched in 2020.

The other thing that excites me is that external ticketeers that are and will use GET Protocol will really start using their custom implementations upcoming year. This means our products will be used in a completely different way and I’m sure we will learn and grow a lot from this.

Long story short: We are ready for 2020!

More about GET Protocol

A blockchain-based honest ticketing solution for all.

Any questions or want to know more about what we do? Join our active Telegram community for any questions you might have, read our whitepaper, visit the website, join the discussion on the GET Protocol Reddit. Or get yourself a smart event ticket in our sandbox environment. Download the GUTS Tickets app on iOS or Android.

