GET October ’23 — The Beginning of a New Era for Event Fandom

Colby Mort
Open Ticketing Ecosystem
9 min readOct 31, 2023

GET’ October 23

Welcome all to GET Protocol’s October update blog, as the spooky season sets in we’ve got an exciting edition for you to tuck into, full of treats (and maybe a trick or two too!)

This month marks the eagerly awaited launch of our Wallet UI which we’ve nicknamed internally the ‘Loop Closer’ for it’s huge potential to accessibly unlock the underlying Web3 benefits of our ticketing infrastructure.

Curious to know more about the platform & kick off the launch with your very own memory to mark the occasion?

Let’s tuck in.

Notable Events through the Protocol

To kick things off as per normal, let’s take a look at note worthy events ticketed or scanned during the last 31 days by integrator partners.

De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig at the Ahoy

The Netherland’s most quirky creative group were back in action on Saturday at the Ahoy, performing in front of 6000+ audience members and sharing the eclectic soul of their music with each and every one of them.

GUTS had the honour of facilitating the ticketing for this event at the Ahoy, along with a string of other events taking place in the Netherlands over the next few months — check out the dates here:

Heroes Den Bosch

The coolest basketball team this side of the Atlantic ocean took to their home court for regular season programming this month with tickets through GUTS & new experiences unlocked by their app partner AnyID.

We’re keen to reveal more in this story but alas the time is not quite right, so stay tuned!

ADE Roundtable & Mike Williams’ Storylines

October always means one thing in Amsterdam — a time for event gatherings, partying and musical wisdom from industry professionals as ADE gathers in the city.

This year like last, we organised a roundtable with a diverse crowd from the music industry to talk creator control, deplatforming, Web3 accessibility, AI and all things that could impact creators and event organisers, we’re really happy with the people we met and look forward to continuing those threads.

Along with the roundtable, GUTS facilitated renowned house artist Mike Williams with his Storylines event playing to an amped up crowd at the Hotel Arena.

Redefining Access — Closing the Loop with the Wallet UI Release

In the summer of 2021 after months of experimentation and testing, we made a huge shift in our ticketing infrastructure moving away from blockchain registered ‘proofs of ticket activity’ to fully native NFT Tickets on Polygon.

With that launch, we looked to the future and envisioned a world where a ticket didnt just sit after use at the bottom of a trashcan (or the proverbial digital equivalent). Instead it could be used to connect fans, creators and organisers together.

Since those humble days, we’ve put to practice exciting usecases only made possible through NFT technology, from event financing with Lewis Capaldi to access passes for Efteling employees into a digital recreation of a beloved attraction and not to forget linking NFT collectibles to a racetrack with the Dutch Grand Prix.

These cases are just an exciting glimpse at what we believe the future will look like for the fan connection and how ticketing sits at the beating heart of this relationship.

But (and there’s always a but) — with these triumphs, we have had to look honestly at our approach and come to grips with the fact that accessibility still is the biggest crux to globally unlocking the benefits that we know exist with Web3 rails.

Those tantalisingly exciting possibilities mentioned above remained behind a thin veil of complexity for the majority of the industry.

It’s for these reasons above that we’re excited to announce the release of the Wallet UI which will give every event organiser the opportunity to tap into Web3 experiences with zero friction.

Much like how we showcased at Zandvoort that Web3 fan engagement can be utilised to excellence for everyday attendees, build excitement for an event and give attendees a new way to engage with their beloved communities and creators, we believe the Wallet UI and custom wallets behind the scenes will offer this potential for existing clients, new prospects and all the creators that wish to join the ticketing revolution.

The Wallet UI allows attendees to view all the collectibles they own and the collections that they’re apart of. Accessing the Wallet UI is as simple as an access link that can be provided to attendees via the communication method of choice or within the next month natively accessed directly via the WL app.

Behind the scenes our custom wallet technology creates a new wallet for each new user for the integrator, ensuring ownership of NFT Tickets and Collectibles comes with zero setup friction.

What’s more, event organisers can include direct call to actions in the Wallet UI, such as links to ticket shops, merchandise, community platforms and digital experiences.

Over time we see this being the next stepping stone towards frictionless token gating occurring at an integrator app level or within the Wallet UI.

As we mentioned in June, when putting this revelation into the context of the ‘Digital Twin 2.0’ unlocked via the custom wallets and wallet UI, here are the benefits going forward:

  • A Digital Collectible direct in the hands of the attendee
  • A Web3 wallet, that’s a new fan data point akin to a form of ‘Web3 cookie’
  • Seamless onboarding to digital content direct from an integrated app or our Wallet UI

Along with accessing custom wallets via access links, attendees or community members can also connect their own wallet — should they wish, to view their self custodial wallet’s collectibles.

You can access the wallet below — but we recommend reading on a little first and then coming back to this link with a fun memory to view…

Immortalising A Memory — The Memories Launch

‘You don’t know you are in the best moment until its simply a memory’

Poignant words don’t you think? We’re mentioning this quote as we believe we’re at an exciting moment in time too — at the new frontier of the internet and what better way to cherish it with our community than allow everyone to pick up a memory from this very moment and beyond. After all what would be an exciting launch without a memory to bind to the moment?

Well, you’re in luck as we’ve also been hard at work on our new memory project which allows any GET staker to claim a unique memory each month from protocol activity and developments.

Each memory comes as 1 of 4 rarity types — common, foil, rare and legendary.

If you’re feeling really lucky then maybe you’ll claim a legendary memory and snag some future goodies ;)

This month’s memory is a proper treat as we’re immortalising September’s Japan GP collectible activity which was originally distributed at the Honda Welcome Event and for On-Site collectibles to Japan GP attendees.

Will you be lucky enough to get a legendary Japan memory collectible?

This memory is a unique community replica collectible which is not tied to the original collection nor created directly with Honda. Head to the link below to claim and make sure to swing by the Discord to show us what you picked up!

Claim your memory by holding xGET and heading to the following link:

Read further information on the project:

Digital Twin — Narrowing in on Fan Apps & Motorsports

Over the last year we’ve been in a consistent pattern of iteration and improvement in the way we present the Digital Twin offering to prospects. In the last 10 months our primary ICP has changed heavily towards parties that have the agency and capacity to bring creative fan engagement projects to life, that means the budget, the resource capacity and the creative ambition to make a statement.

By angling towards these parties, we can bring onboard the biggest and most ambitious projects that make a statement and importantly set a future blueprint in place to be replicated across smaller events with less effort needed.

An example of how we see the life of a fan using the DT and Web3 rails..

This ‘blueprint’ system as we’re calling it, allows us to weigh up which aspects of a DT Collectible distribution make the largest impact on an event audience, across engagement, retention, activity levels and even app downloads.

Zooming in on the example at Zandvoort, we worked with DutchGP stakeholder, SportsVibes to combine their innovative marketing and creative strategy for the prix with our rails to engage the race audience in an entirely new way. This led to higher email open rates, marketing engagement and app activity across the board and ultimately a successful Unlock the Track campaign that led to 25,000 active claims and helped contribute to SportsVibes being nominated for their marketing awards in the Netherlands.

With Fan Apps, the DT becomes a potent tool for them to incentivise new users and retain existing profiles. Ticket linked collectibles accessed and interacted through fan apps lead to longer times spent in the app & as such a higher lifetime activity and hopefully — spend.

This leads us into the update from our BD, Simon on the last few months approach:

Simon Klinkenberg — Business Development

After the BD department returned to earth from a sky high celebration that was called the ‘Formula 1 Dutch GP’, we knew there is a lot to win in the near future.

With the outstanding work on the wallet creation from the development team and the successful F1 case under our belt, the future was looking exciting. It turned out that we were correct in our assumption as shortly after the Dutch GP we landed a lovely partnership with Honda and the Japan Formula 1 at Suzuka.

Together with ANIMOCA we helped to onboard 65.000 fans frictionlessly into Honda’s Web3 environment and ultimately build an exciting collectible progression campaign across their welcome event and on-site activations.

These activities included, a lottery collectible, prediction game, VIP ticket experience collectible and on-site rewards including a ‘Honda Engine’ and ‘Suzuka Racetrack’ collectible.

Whew, that was quite the journey and ultimately meant another exciting brand collaboration under our wings that now leads us to a very real possibility of working closer with F1, F1 promoters, Animoca and Honda.

At the same time that this collaboration occurred, I journeyed over to the WFS with Colby to chat with other exciting prospects and show them these exciting usecases. On the whole, fan apps, fan communities and marketeers absolutely loved these cases — for football clubs and agencies they’re in general still in the awareness phase, so showing them the potential and frictionlessness of the technology now feels like only a matter of time before their general Web3 adoption increases. Of course the two magnificent usecases over this summer gave us more insights and learnings for our roadmap and sales direction. If we onboard fans frictionlessly with a wallet and a collectible tied to their ticket, they should be able to see and interact with their collectible which is where the new custom wallet and wallet UI tech really shines.

On the whole, the Digital Twin is becoming a very mature product that opens up doors for exciting organizations. Of course the road to closing a deal with partners the size of F1 does take a while and requires a lot of advisory work but in general we’re in a good flow and are gaining traction from many different verticals at a stage that’s important for where the company is heading.

That’s it for October! As always you can stay up to date via the GET Protocol twitter & we’ll see you back here for next month’s blog — until then.

