GET to know us #16: Kasper

To give you a little insight into the GET Protocol team, we are introducing ourselves in a series of blogs. Read about what we do, both at work and in our personal lives, and why we believe GET Protocol is going to take over the world. Here’s number 16: Kasper.

Olivier Biggs
Open Ticketing Ecosystem
3 min readNov 16, 2018


What’s your name and job title?
My name is Kasper Keunen and I am a blockchain developer at the GET Protocol Foundation. My main focus is on researching and modeling the token economics of the GET Protocol. This means I research and design the token economic primitives that will accrue utility value on the GET token as the protocol gains more traction.

How long have you been at the GET Protocol foundation?
I joined the GUTS Tickets team in June 2017. From the get-go, I have been focussed on the blockchain side of the business. In the beginning, I was mainly focused on shaping and conducting the ICO. Luckily I have long since moved my focus to ensure GET is used as fuel in a commercial event setting. I am really proud of the first buyback! As somebody heavily involved in the Bitcoin space since 2013, it was encouraging to witness crypto working under the hood as infrastructure instead of being another highly speculative vessel.

What do you do exactly?
At the moment I focus on researching and testing how we can scale the blockchain approach of the GET Protocol. It is not only about making ticketing more accountable but also about how blockchain tech can add more value to ticketing as regular static tickets. Smarter tickets should enhance both the consumers' experience of the event as well as the organizer's financial bottom line. Striking this balance is tough and I am convinced the challenge can be bridged with help of token economics.

How do you describe what you do here to your friends or family?
For these situations, I always carry a portable beamer with me so I can crack out my very interesting slideshow presentation to briefly bring people up to speed on the history of money. After this is over they don’t dare to ask any further.

What do you do when you are not at the office?
Boxing. Crossfit. Interplanetary travel. Rambling on Telegram. Acquiring NASA merch. Report on motocross races with my lawyer. The usual.

What do you think Kasper’s secret for his productivity is?
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Where do you see GET protocol in three years?
I expect that the GET Protocol will trigger a mass extinction event of the ‘No-Coiner Sapiens’. While I generally think biodiversity is something that should be cherished I think this extinction is for the better. GET will play a vital role in this pivotal event in human evolution.

Any personal message to the community?

“Buy the ticket, take the ride.”
Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

More about GET Protocol

Any questions or want to know more about what we do? Join our active Telegram community for any questions you might have, read our whitepaper, visit the website, join the discussion on the GET Protocol Reddit. Or get yourself a smart event ticket in our sandbox environment. Download the GUTS Tickets app on IOS or Android.

