Why I DON’T Want You To Become A Millionaire

Keith Weinhold
Get Rich Education
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2017

Do you want to become a millionaire? Then you’re thinking too small.

Millionaires are not even financially wealthy. Let’s define million and millionaire:

1. A million not some impossibly big, dreamy number. It’s just one thousand times one thousand. A million grains of salt fits in a one gallon jug. A million dollars worth of $100 bills only weighs 22 pounds.

2. What’s a millionaire? It’s not when you make a million dollars per year. It’s when the total value of all your assets minus the total weight of all your debt is at least a million dollars. This is also known as net worth.

3. A million dollars of net worth says nothing about your income. Wealth is measured by the amount of time that your passive monthly income can support your lifestyle if you stopped working today. Maybe your current wealth is one week. Maybe it’s 7.5 years.

A millionaire just isn’t special anymore. Today, one in every ten American households has a millionaire living inside it. Do you know what the preferred car of a millionaire is in America today? It’s a…Ford.

I passed the millionaire mark long ago and it didn’t have any profound impact on my life. It didn’t even make a small impact on my life. Who cares? If you’re a millionaire already, then you already understand this.

Generations ago, being a millionaire carried a connotation that you were rich. It meant that you never had to worry about finances again, and that early retirement was imminent. Today, most millionaires plan to work until retirement.

Authors still publish books and salespeople still sell courses with the word “millionaire” in the title. That’s only because everyday consumers retain this antiquated notion that the word “millionaire” is a wealth marker. It’s not.

It’s going to get even worse for the millionaire.

Consider the dollar’s diminished purchasing power over time. For one beginning a typical working career, a million dollars today will only be worth about $275,000 to $325,000 at the end of your career once inflation is factored in.

What will your $300K provide in your retirement? Maybe two good years? Six lean years? Your nest egg will evaporate rapidly.

So when your financial advisor tells you to invest in a 401(k) (typically a losing plan) and that they can virtually guarantee that you’ll be a millionaire, you’ll know that no longer sounds attractive.

You don’t want to be a millionaire. You’d rather be financially free. Ask your 401(k) plan’s advisor this: “Why would I wait until I’m in my 60s to create a stream of passive income when I can start doing it now?”

Think bigger. Invest in leveraged, cash-flowing assets like real estate that provide a monthly income stream now. I tell you how every week on my free podcast.

Carefully-purchased, leveraged assets typically appreciate faster than 401(k)s. The latter relies on the myth that compound interest alone will create wealth. It doesn’t.

With an asset that provides both an income stream and leverage, you’ll have the ability to live well both now and in retirement.

I don’t want you to be a millionaire. I would rather that you be wealthy.

Thought getting your money to work for you creates wealth? It doesn’t! That’s a myth. My international best-selling E-book is now 100% free, 7 Money Myths That Are Killing Your Wealth Potential. Get it here for a limited time.

Originally published at www.getricheducation.com on February 8, 2017.



Keith Weinhold
Get Rich Education

Writer at Forbes. Like sports and travel. Owner | Podcaster | Blogger at: www.GetRichEducation.com