The Investment You Need To Survive

Keith Weinhold
Get Rich Education
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2016

There are myriad reasons that make real estate superior to other investment vehicles.

One reason is the fact that real estate is not going to go out of style. Basic elements of primordial human survival are the essential need for food, shelter, and safety.

In fact, real estate is an investment that is not discretionary. That means that there is no choice. All 7.5 billion humans on earth must contribute to real estate.

Think about it. People are constantly using real estate whether they own a home, rent an efficiency apartment, occupy an office cubicle, are on a boat in the Atlantic Ocean, are an astronaut on the moon, are squatting in a vacant home, or live in a cardboard box beneath a bridge.

They’re all using real estate because they have to.

The fact that real estate is not discretionary speaks volumes about the durability of real estate investors’ chosen asset class.

Kodak was once a market leader in photographic equipment. But they continued to produce camera film and didn’t embrace digital. Their stock value fell several hundredfold. Kodak became obsolete. Investors lost.

Blockbuster video stores revolutionized how people chose at-home movies. But after this brick-and-mortar store was undercut by Netflix and streaming, they lost revenue and filed for bankruptcy. The digital download rendered Blockbuster as an out-of-style model. Investors lost.

Even futurists do not predict that real estate will become obsolete anytime soon.

Our world is adding over 100,000 people every DAY. They all need to live somewhere.

The demand for functional, clean, and safe housing will continue to exist.

Additionally, as a real estate investor, you have substantially more control over your asset than a stock or bond.

If you want to generate additional revenue for your apartment building, you can have a carport or a more efficient heating system added.

As a holder of Apple or Twitter stock, what are you going to do to increase these companies’ quarterly earnings? How will you help ensure that they don’t get undercut by an outside force before you can sell? Nothing. You don’t have that control.

The interesting thing is that mainstream financial commentators refer to stock investing as “traditional” and real estate as an “alternative!” How backwards is that?

People have coveted and “invested” in real estate since neanderthals lived in caves and lords used the feudal system to make serfs work on their estate.

So then how in the world is real estate considered “alternative”?

Real estate is tangible. It is easy to understand. People can easily comprehend a business model where a tenant pays rent to you in exchange for living there.

How well does a stock or mutual fund investor understand the semiconductor supply chain for their Hewlett-Packard company stock? They probably don’t. Even if they did, they could not control it.

Look…there is a lot of uncertainty in today’s economy. Wouldn’t it be great if you could invest in something that people are going to need — absolutely need — in a good economy or a bad economy?

Even if the Dow Jones craters 10,000 points, people are still going to demand housing.

Real estate is understandable, within your control, and vital to human survival.

No investment is more lasting than real estate. That’s why I spend so much time talking about it on the Get Rich Education podcast.

Here’s to your wealth and success!

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Originally published at on October 26, 2016.



Keith Weinhold
Get Rich Education

Writer at Forbes. Like sports and travel. Owner | Podcaster | Blogger at: