Meet Thought Shapes

Hello Sello
Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2015

I first started Thought Shapes as an online shop, after closing my brick and mortar shop “Rhymes With Orange” last year, here in Winnipeg. I ran the shop with my best friend for almost 4 years, selling vintage clothing, accessories and housewares, and after we closed I knew that I needed to continue to sell. It was something I could do in between other jobs and it was something that I loved to do. I had a large following of people that were still interested in what I was going to do next, and I thought that running it solely online was the way to go. I was tired of having large overhead, and had just moved into a new apartment with one extra room that I had for all of my stock that was leftover from the store closing. I started out selling sweatshirts that I would iron funny saying onto, and people reacted well to them, but a huge part of me wasn’t quite done selling vintage. I figured why not do both? Open a shop that has something for everyone. It’s a work in progress, but I’m having a lot of fun doing it.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration?

Erin: I try to only source things that I would wear or put in my home. My closet, walls and shelves are currently overflowing, so i’m trying to share the wealth and let other people take home the treasures that I find and can’t leave behind. I’m a lover of color, and well-made things that will last, and find beauty in things that others may breeze right past.

Q: Can you describe your first interaction with Sello? Where were you, what were you doing, why did you check it out, what did you think of it? What’s the story of the day you tried it for the first time

Erin: I first heard of Sello when my boyfriend mentioned it to me. I posted a photo on Instagram right after I got the app, and a few people were interested in buying something in the photo, so I figured I might as well test the waters and post it and send them a link. Within minutes I had my first Sello sale, and I spent the next afternoon posting more and watching things fly out of my shop!

Q: How has Sello changed your business?

Erin: So far I have mostly used it as a local option. I have sold stuff now in a brick and mortar shop, pop up shops, kijiji, online and now Sello and it is hands down the easiest and fastest option. I have a separate stock that I save just for my Sello shop, things that I know people in Winnipeg will want to buy. It’s the easiest platform that I have used, and it’s perfect for when I need to post something quickly. I’ve only been using it for a few weeks, but it already has saved me so much time; and like any good business person knows, time is money.

Q: What advice would you give to someone thinking about starting their own online store?

Erin: My advice would be to not overthink it. It can be a little overwhelming at first — starting something from nothing, and it’s easy to procrastinate or doubt you’ll have a first sale, but you won’t know until you try! I had no idea that I would sell a single sweatshirt when I first started, but I believed in what I was doing and it totally paid off! Find something you’re really good at and enjoy doing, and just put it out there. Ain’t nothin’ to it, just gotta do it.

Q: What would you like to see added to Sello in the future?

Erin: I would love to see the potential for a pick up or delivery option of shipping. Shipping prices within Canada are quite pricey and a lot of the things that I come across and want to sell are large or too heavy to ship outside of where I live and I think it would benefit everyone involved if we could avoid the trip to the post office.

Q: Any other additional comments about you, your business or Sello?

Erin: I really think Sello is an amazing and simple concept that is going to snowball really quickly, i’m glad that I got to get in on it in the early stages and am excited to see what’s next!

Check our Erin’s shop Thought Shapes and browse her collection of vintage items.



Hello Sello

The easiest way to sell anything to anyone, anywhere. Inspiration and advice to help you #Sello.