My Story Got a Medium Boost! Was It Worth The Hype?

Tommy C
Heart & Hustle
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2023


Hey fellow Medium writers!

Today, I want to share my experience from a Boost I received a couple months ago and whether it’s worth trying to get your stories promoted.

I was going through my emails like usual when I saw a message from Medium in my inbox. It said my story “Get Moving — Just 4 Minutes of Huffing and Puffing Could Cut Your Cancer Risk!” had been chosen for something called a “Boost.”

I was surprised and a little confused.

A Boost? This was news to me. I hadn’t gotten any notice from Medium that my story was being featured. But the email said my post had been selected by Medium’s editors to get special visibility for an unspecified time.

That was two months ago.

Since then, I’ve had time to see the full results of the Boost. I checked my stats, and that single promoted story had earned me $71 total so far, way higher than any of my other posts.

It’s not enough to retire early, but it meant some nice extra $$’s for my efforts.



Tommy C
Heart & Hustle

👋 Hi, I'm Tommy. Fitness fanatic, wellness advocate, and your guide to becoming the best you can be. 💪 Let's grow together!