Shake Things Up — When To Explore Unfamiliar Territory in Your Writing

Tommy C
Heart & Hustle
Published in
2 min readDec 17, 2023


We all have our favorite topics to write about.

Whether it’s cooking, sports, politics, or pop culture, we feel most comfortable putting words on the page when discussing subjects we know best.

But remaining strictly within your niche on Medium can limit your growth. Stepping outside your comfort zone opens doors to new readers and fresh perspectives.

Photo by Julia Peretiatko on Unsplash

When we repeatedly cover the same ground, creativity suffers.

Searching for innovative angles on worn-out themes strains the imagination. Your stories can become echoes of each other, a monotonous drumbeat instead of a rich symphony.

Writing beyond your niche shakes up your mindset.

Immersing in unfamiliar subjects reshapes your viewpoint. As you explore new realms, your lens expands. Connections form between disparate ideas. Pieces click into place, unveiling overarching truths.

This mental flexibility bolsters your writing.

A wider frame of reference infuses your work with subtle insights. Lateral leaps between topics weave threads of meaning throughout your posts.



Tommy C
Heart & Hustle

👋 Hi, I'm Tommy. Fitness fanatic, wellness advocate, and your guide to becoming the best you can be. 💪 Let's grow together!