The Bite-Sized Medium Story: Why Quick Reads Hook New Readers

Tommy C
Heart & Hustle
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2023


Imagine you’re scrolling through Medium, seeking your next great read, when an intriguing title catches your eye.

What I did With My First $30 Earnings On Medium

You don’t know the writer but you click eagerly, only to find the reading time is a daunting 15+ minutes.

Do you dive in hopefully? Or move on to other prospects?

Photo by Arif Riyanto on Unsplash

Chances are, you pass it by.

Because when sampling a new writer, you want to get a feel for them before committing the time. You crave a bite-sized taste of their talent — a morsel that leaves you hungry for more.

As writers, we need to step into the shoes of these potential new readers. Our goal is to give them a captivating amuse-bouche of our skills — a snackable story that acts like a trailer for our longer work.

The sweet spot?

Aim for a 3 minute read to hook new readers.

While concise, 350 articulate words can convey your unique voice and a full, rounded concept. Leave them intrigued and delighted, and they’ll be back to devour your more extensive articles.



Tommy C
Heart & Hustle

👋 Hi, I'm Tommy. Fitness fanatic, wellness advocate, and your guide to becoming the best you can be. 💪 Let's grow together!