The Long, But Rewarding Journey to Medium Glory

Tommy C
Heart & Hustle
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2023


The journey to building a readership and revenue stream on Medium is a lot like hiking a winding mountain trail.

Photo by Toomas Tartes on Unsplash

You start off energetic, walking the flat valley path with a spring in your step.

The sun beams down as wildflowers nod in the meadows breeze. This is the honeymoon phase new writers experience, full of optimism and excitement.

Soon the twisty trail starts to incline and you find yourself short of breath.

Your legs burn as you climb switchback after switchback. Sweat drips while you question your motivation to continue. This is the point many writers start to lose momentum, their enthusiasm wavering as views and revenue fail to meet expectations.

But if you pace yourself, taking breaks to rehydrate and soak in the expanding views, progress continues. The winding trail levels off for a while, allowing you to find your rhythm again. You become mindful of each step, letting inspiration guide your way forward.

Then the real challenge hits.

The air thins, the wind whips, and doubts creep in about your ability to reach the distant summit. But you’ve come too far to turn back now…



Tommy C
Heart & Hustle

👋 Hi, I'm Tommy. Fitness fanatic, wellness advocate, and your guide to becoming the best you can be. 💪 Let's grow together!