Brendan Hart
Get Smart Fast
Published in
1 min readJan 27, 2016


The film that Nate Parker spent 7 years of his life fighting to make has made history. Birth of A Nation, which opened at Sundance just last night, has been sold to Fox Searchlight for a record-breaking $17.5 million.

In some industries the trajectory of technological improvement is very steep, like the disk drive industry where every eight years some firm was getting eliminated. In others, the trajectory of improvement is gentler, like in discount retailing.

In the developing world, record-keeping can be very fractured. Having one consolidated, easy-to-access medical record is key to ensuring that patients receive consistent quality care and avoid harmful situations like taking drugs that interact negatively with each other.

“If she is worthy of being on a bill, she is worthy of not sharing it,” a woman wrote on The New York Times’s Facebook page.

Of all the numbers and superlatives used to describe the rout in China’s stock market, the one that is starting to gain more attention is 2,500.

