p r o s p e r
Get Smart Fast
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2016


Impress your colleagues with random knowledge

The company announced Facebook Sports Stadium late Wednesday night, a section of Facebook where users can go and follow major sporting events with things like player stats and videos and Facebook content from other people following along.

With Roger, we are working towards engaging people in conversations that bring us closer together — by providing the intimacy offered by phones calls but without compromising on the flexibility of replying anytime you want, just like in text messaging.

Gawker Media plans to sell a minority stake to the investment company Columbus Nova Technology Partners, a move its founder, Nick Denton, said was driven by the need for funding for growth initiatives, and to bolster itself for a continuing lawsuit brought by Terry Bollea, the wrestler known as Hulk Hogan.

Then, in December, he compared Trump to Biff, the cartoonishly evil tycoon from “Back to the Future Part II,” in a front-page editorial. Trump shot back, calling McQuaid a “lowlife” and a “loser.” McQuaid parried, running a photo of Trump visiting his office in March and noting that, not long afterward, Trump called the paper “terrific.”

The sale of the 36 jets had been previously announced, but the $1.95 billion arms package confirms that the Iraqis will have access to modern smart bombs and missiles … US engineering giants Lockheed Martin and Raytheon will be the primary suppliers of the gear and training, along with other US groups and the Royal Jordanian Air Academy.



p r o s p e r
Get Smart Fast

building the urban future; writing about startups, smart cities, business, and defense