5 Must-Try Asian Breakfasts

Published in
4 min readMay 6, 2020

There’s an old saying, “Eat Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” This phrase reveals that breakfast is an essential meal for humans, and each country has its own style of it.

To help you mix up the most important meal of the day, we’re sharing five Asian breakfasts you have to try at least once in a lifetime!

Japan — Traditional Meal Set

Photo by Takafumi Yamashita on Unsplash

Japanese people always have a meal combo that consists of steamed rice, miso soup, a protein- such as grilled fish-, and various side dishes. Actually, they eat very similarly at lunch and dinner as well.

I myself experienced this while staying at a Japanese family homestay. It was a wonderful meal and boosted positive energy to kick-off a long day.

Singapore — Kaya Toast

Image Souce: thehoneycombers.com

Kaya toast is a well-known snack in both Singapore and Malaysia. Charcoal-grilled, or toasted, slices of bread envelope slivers of cold butter and a generous spread of kaya, a traditional jam made from coconut and eggs.

It’s pure comfort food for the sweet tooth and can be enjoyed at any time, but locals have it at breakfast alongside coffee. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Vietnam — Banh Mi (Vietnamese Sandwich)

Photo by Kadir Celep on Unsplash

Banh Mi (or bánh mì) means bread in the Vietnamese language. It also refers to a type of baguette that is often split and filled with various savory ingredients.

In Vietnam, the ingredients are a fusion of meats and veggies such as pork sausage, coriander leaf, cucumber, and pickled carrot along with chili and mayonnaise. Banh Mi originated in France during the colonial period of the late-18th century when the French’s eating behavior was strongly influenced by Vietnamese cuisine.

Turkey — Kahvalti

Photo by Cem SARI on Pixabay

Kahvalti literally means “before coffee,” and is the Turkish word for breakfast. It refers to the time when the Turkish have çay (tea) alongside breakfast and end the meal with kahve (coffee).

Their breakfast is slightly different than Europeans, as the Turkish have tea instead of coffee and sip it with sides, such as sliced tomatoes and cucumbers. Other side dishes are similar but richer! It could be the richest breakfast in the world.

Hong Kong — Congee

Photo by Sebastian Mary on Flickr

For Hong Kongers, whether eaten early in the day for breakfast or late at night before bed, congee, or rice porridge, has a magical way of comforting and warming the belly. It’s a nourishing bowl with fresh ingredients that include fish, beef, or pork that swim in the many flavors of the slowly-cooked broth. We are pretty sure you will love it!

Have you tried any of these dishes? Breakfast is quite an important meal; don’t miss it when you go to a new place because not only will you discover new flavors, you will also explore a new culture. And if you’d like to know about Asian food, check out our 7 favorite Asian dishes!

Meet SNEAK Team:

Baitong is a content editor who is deeply in love with languages. She knows four and is intent on learning more! When not nerding out over language, she enjoys the foodie lifestyle, being a musical geek, a gamer, a bookworm, is interested in IT, and is a total dog person (but has a cat too).

Originally published at https://blog.getsneak.com on May 6, 2020.




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