Why What You Buy Is Important

by Mollie Hughes

Mollie Hughes
Get Softly
2 min readFeb 14, 2023


We’ve all heard the expression “you are what you eat.” How we treat our body is a reflection of what is important to us. That concept also applies to how we treat our environment and what we buy.

Topics such as climate change and social justice are front and center these days. As a result, the majority of us say we want to buy products that don’t hurt our planet or our people; however, only a fraction of us actually do. Basically, we have a lot of people wanting to do the right thing, but not following through. Why?

It all comes down to convenience. We are a society that revolves around tasks that take as little time and effort as possible. And before now, sustainable shopping was anything but convenient. Researching companies, manufacturers, and product materials took a lot of time and energy — two of the most valuable things that we have in life.

Despite this, it is important we do our part. Human consumption of Earth’s natural resources more than tripled since 1970 and this is expected to continue if we don’t change our ways. Furthermore, ~60% of greenhouse gasses stem from which products individual consumers choose and how we dispose of them.

What we buy also sends a clear message to product manufacturers. It’s basic “supply and demand my friend,” — Belfort, The Wolf of Wallstreet. Manufacturers ultimately make products that people want based on the demand we generate. If we show manufacturers that low carbon, ethically made products sell, they will make adjustments to their practices. However, for those adjustments to happen, we need to use the power of our purse and intentionally choose products that align with our values.

Which brings us to the heart of the problem. The problem being that currently it is a hassle to find those sustainable products to support. Which is why we created Softly. Softly provides sustainable alternatives to the products you are already planning to purchase. With 52 product attributes to choose from, it’s easy to find products that align with your personal values— whether that be eco friendliness, socially responsibility, free of allergens and harmful ingredients, cruelty free, or Made in the USA or your country of choice. This free browser extension currently works on Amazon with more retailers to come — get it here or on the Chrome webstore.

There is a book that was recently released titled, Buy The Change You Want To See. This title says it all. In order to see change we need to change our buying habits and ultimately be, or should I say buy, that change. Consumers do have power to make a difference. You and I can make a difference, and Softly will help you do it.

#sustainability #environment #technology



Mollie Hughes
Get Softly

Mollie has a passion for coffee, good conversation, and making it easier for everyone to contribute to a better tomorrow. We are all in this together!