6 Ways AI Design Can Help Enhance Your Design Practice

Alex McFarland
Published in
7 min readNov 29, 2022

AI design is impacting nearly every aspect of the design process, from AI art generation to relationship building with users. Here are 6 ways AI can help you enhance your design practice.

We are living in an AI-driven world, with artificial intelligence impacting nearly every industry. Design is no different. There are countless AI tools that designers are using to redefine the industry. It is impacting everything from concept ideation to the relationships between customers and products.

There is a lot of potential for AI design, especially as a creative and supplemental tool that provides access to all experience levels. Perhaps the biggest benefit of AI is that designers can use it to create designs faster and cheaper than ever before.

Whether you are an experienced designer or someone looking to get started, there are many ways AI can help enhance your design practice.

1. AI Art and Image Generation

One of the most promising and impressive implications of AI in design is the ability to use it for art and image generation. With tools like starryai, you can create a unique and original range of designs that can stand alone or serve as inspiration for further development.

AI design will only continue to rise in popularity, completely changing the industry. Marketers and designers can leverage these tools for a wide range of applications such as generating unique images for blog posts and e-books, creating license-free stock images for websites, creating visuals for digital or print brand materials, helping ads stand out with unique visuals, enabling inventors to generate product sketch ideas, creating various types of mockups, and much more.

AI art and image generation tools should be embraced by designers as a supplemental tool for human creativity. They make it easier than ever to bring ideas to life, and break down many boundaries that previously restricted designers to traditional methods. And most important of all, AI design is accessible to designers of all experience levels thanks to the creation of easy-to-use tools.

Image generated via starryai

2. Automating Tasks

A designer’s job often includes some level of legwork. Many design teams spend a good portion of their time solving problems that can be automated with AI. Some of the tasks that can be easily automated by AI include cropping assets, resizing images, and color correction photons.

Even with the rise of AI, there are still many tasks that cannot be simply automated. They still require human eyes. But even this is changing with recent advancements. AI tools can be used to help designers become more efficient by enabling them to identify patterns in the image or ensure the subject if a photo never gets accidentally cropped out.

Some of these optimizations might seem small in scale, but their impact on AI design shouldn’t be understated. They are freeing up designers’ time to focus on more important and strategic product decisions, which are still a long way away from being automated.

Image via Adobe showcasing the cropping of an image
Image via Adobe showcasing the cropping of an image

3. Creating New Visual Styles

AI tools are also playing a major role in creating new visual styles by applying intelligent filters to photos and videos based on image recognition. For example, an AI can process a photo and determine what it is, uch as a human face or object, which helps the AI define the best visual effect to apply.

If you are a designer who works with sketches, AI can also be a supplemental tool. You can use it to do things like autocomplete your sketches to create more refined versions compared to what you are able to sketch by yourself.

When it comes to sketching an AI design, the process is impressive. Through machine learning, the system will learn more about the users as they engage with it and draw sketches. After multiple variations, the AI can have an idea of what you are trying to draw.

Just as was the case with art and image generation, these new ways to create visual styles also make AI design accessible to more people. Designers and non-designers alike can increase the quality of their work with ease.

4. Design Better Websites

Another area that has undoubtedly been revolutionized by AI design is website design. AI is now used throughout the design, building, maintenance, and marketing processes. It can greatly enhance user experience and human-centered processes with data collection and analysis.

AI is especially useful in the early design phases, and it can help you design and build your website faster. Many agencies now apply machine learning in the design process as it can collect client requirements for their website before matching them with existing market trends and user data. All of this is crucial in helping meet client needs and incorporate the best design practices.

By using AI design, you can ensure the website offers personalized content and targets specific users based on their interests and preferences. By developing a personalized approach to content generation, you can connect better with your users.

5. Analyze Data to Understand Users

With the rise of the digital economy, there are countless systems like sites, apps, and digital services that generate user data with each interaction. And we’re talking about a massive amount of data. We are still in the beginning of this business intelligence era, and data analysis processes will continue to grow more complex, providing more valuable data sets that will help designers make better design decisions.

Machines can use these mountains of data to do things like identify potential areas of optimization in a product, understand how the optimization can happen, implement A/B testing, analyze results and decide on the best version, and update a product with a new design before restarting the cycle.

As this becomes more commonplace, designers will be tasked with organizing all of this optimization work.

6. Create Multiple Variants

After recognizing a pattern, AI can help designers create multiple variants. It can extract colors and patterns from a design before coming up with thousands of variants with a range of identified colors and patterns.

This is another highly useful process for designers, especially those involved with logo design. For example, you can use AI to identify brand colors and abstract patterns, which it will then use to create unique designs after you set certain guidelines. All of this helps you come up with dynamic logo concepts.

If you are struggling with creativity when coming up with a design, this can be your breakthrough. You will have various visual options to look at, and it can even present new color combinations and patterns you have yet to think of.

7. Product or Concept Ideation

Whether you are a designer in the product, automotive, furniture, architecture, food, interior design, or some other industry, AI can greatly improve the ideation process for creating new ideas. AI design helps improve each stage of the product development cycle, such as planning, designing, developing, testing, deployment, and marketing.

It is necessary to adopt a suitable product development strategy, and AI can help break down projects into multiple product development iterations to achieve a faster market release. It can also help in formulating pre-design product development strategies by providing fast and detailed customer feedback insights.

Besides these, you can use AI to gain insights into how other similar products and features are performing in the marketplace.

Traditional product or concept ideation might involve creating a moodboard to help communicate a direction, as well as quick ideation sketches before highlighting the best ideas. With AI design and art-generation tools, you can refine a direction and create variations from selected outputs.

Rise of AI Design

The rise of AI design is making the work of designers easier and more unique at the same time. It is opening up all sorts of opportunities for amateurs and pros alike. AI-based tools enable you to work with all types of images, and they can automate the legwork so you can focus more on creativity.

Whether you are looking for inspiration for a new idea or trying to refine existing designs, there is a tool for you.

If you are looking to get started with AI design or find new inspiration, head over to starryai and begin creating AI-generated art!

Originally published on starryai’s blog.

